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Example sentences for "empowering"

Lexicographically close words:
emporta; emporte; emporter; empower; empowered; empowerment; empowers; empresse; empressement; empresses
  1. He now displayed the royal commission, empowering him, on Pizarro's death, to assume the government.

  2. One state[127] haz a statute empowering the parties to submit fact az well az law to the court.

  3. Royal Charter, empowering it to confer degrees, and giving to it all the rights which are possessed by Western Universities.

  4. In 1722 an act was obtained empowering the Apothecaries' Company to visit the shops of all apothecaries practising in London, and to destroy such drugs as they found unfit for use.

  5. Congress passed an act empowering the postmaster-General to establish offices or branches at every military camp or station, and under this authority the postal machinery was speedily put into effective operation.

  6. It's time to stop ignoring them and start empowering them.

  7. Relief should be granted by definite authority of law empowering the Secretary of the Interior in his discretion to suspend, readjust, and reassess all charges against water users.

  8. If we take all these steps, we will move a long way toward empowering parents to succeed at home and at work and ensuring that no child is raised in poverty.

  9. Commissions were issued to leading citizens and charitable corporations empowering them to solicit contributions in aid of the trust.

  10. Will it be said that the clause of the constitution empowering the House to make a biennial appropriation for the object, does not vest in them a discretionary power in such instances of overturning the establishment by its own will?

  11. In the English Constitutions, the instrument thus empowering a lodge to meet, is called, when granted by the Grand Master, a Warrant of Constitution.

  12. An act was, however, passed in 1532 empowering the king, if he thought fit, to stop the payment of annates to Rome.

  13. This was a measure for the repression of local riots, empowering justices in every shire to suppress clubmen (trailbastons), gangs of marauders who had been rendering the roads unsafe.

  14. This was the first of the series of acts empowering him to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus.

  15. We have seen that the second statute empowering the President to proclaim martial law and to suspend the operation of the writ had expired by limitation in February, 1863.

  16. Commission to Francis Dana, referred to in the preceding letter, 243 Empowering him to obtain a loan in Holland, in case Mr Adams should be prevented from attending to it.

  17. Mr Oswald receives a new commission, empowering him to treat with the thirteen United States of America.

  18. Braton of Groton, New London County, State of Connecticut, do depose and say, that I am acquainted with the Pequod tribe of Indians empowering William Apes, Sen.

  19. A sweeping bill was thereupon presented to the House empowering the President, under the war clause of the Constitution, to take the measures he named whenever, in his opinion, the national emergency called for their exercise.

  20. Chancery) A prerogative process empowering certain commissioners to take and hold a defendant's property and receive the rents and profits thereof, until he clears himself of a contempt or performs a decree of the court.

  21. The clauses were next considered, and on a division the first clause, empowering the Company to make the railway, was lost by a majority of 19 to 13.

  22. In like manner, the next clause, empowering the Company to take land, was lost; on which the bill was withdrawn.

  23. The first clause in any railway act, empowering the employment of locomotive engines for the working of passenger traffic.

  24. He submitted a report on the twelfth of April, which contained a resolution empowering the delegates of North Carolina in the Continental Congress, to use their influence in favor of a Declaration of Independence.

  25. In 1528 a new exclusive grant was issued to two German courtiers at Seville, Eynger and Sayller, empowering them to carry four thousand slaves from Guinea to the Indies within the space of the following four years.

  26. Our treaties with Denmark and Portugal remain unfinished, for want of instructions respecting them from Congress, and a commission empowering some Minister or Ministers to conclude them.

  27. In September, 1715, he sent out a printed letter to all of the county courts, questioning whether the justices should levy a tax to pay the Burgesses' salaries when no law existed empowering them to do so.

  28. So they secured a new charter empowering them to change it.

  29. A degree of democracy was introduced into local government by an act empowering the voters of each parish to elect two men to sit in the county courts in the making of by-laws.

  30. The clause empowering Philip to govern by deputy in his absence was especially satisfactory.

  31. As little could a measure be passed empowering the queen to leave the crown by will, for that would be but the same thing under another form.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "empowering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.