This sealing game is getting played out here naow, and there's a lot of trouble on between the Canadian and American Governments about saving the Behring Sea seals and putting a stop to the fishery altogether.
On Wolsey's fall the seals had been offered to Warham, and it was probably at his counsel that they were finally given to Sir Thomas More.
He broke the seals on some of the parcels, and opened the papers they contained.
They were strange documents to her, with great seals on them, and no end of legal phrases.
The other disaster occurred to the Southern Cross, which was on her way home with a full load of seals when she was caught in the blizzard of March 31 and foundered.
Yet early seals of some of the Cinque Ports show vessels with the double rudder; one of which (that of Winchelsea) is given in the cut.
Chinese characters, seals in black and red, and an indication of value in ancient Japanese characters.
I never knew before that seals could weep for joy--as I have wept.
What I wanted to say, though, was, that the seas about us were full of sleek seals watching the scuffle.
Ethelwalch the King gave me some five or six muddy parishes by the sea, and the first time my good Eddi and I rode there we saw a man slouching along the slob, among the seals at Manhood End.
And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?
These seals I broke without a particle of hesitation or reverence for the great personage who had caused them to be placed there, and then instituted a hunt for the keys, which resulted, as I had feared it would, in failure.
In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto severally subscribed our names and affixed our seals this 21st day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine.
It seals the union of two nations, who in conjunction can maintain exclusive possession of the ocean.
Workers, weavers, and fullers shall put their seals to every cloth.
Gold fobs with watches or seals hung from the breeches pocket.
Boroughs often had seals to prove communal consent and tended to act as a corporate body.
I wish those seals were already on, so that we could go home," said Minoret.
But I tell you at once I shall put no seals on Ursula's room; she has a right to that room, and everything in it is her own property.
Don't laugh too soon, my friends; the seals are not yet removed.
I have, for your own sake, placed the sealson your room.
Before breaking the seals and making the inventory, it took some time for the procureur du roi, who is the legal guardian of orphans, to commission Monsieur Bongrand to act in his place.
But the most minute search made in every corner of the house after the seals were removed, brought no discovery.
To-night they'll watch the body; the sealscan be affixed in an hour; our wives could look after them.
The throwing harpoon for small seals is an exact copy in miniature of the walrus harpoon, with the addition of a long bayonet-shaped pick of ivory at the butt.
The natives told me that nets set at these places were for the capture of young seals (n[)e]tyiaru).
This is believed to be a rattle to be shaken on the ice by a string tied to the becket for the purpose of attracting seals to the ice net.
During the season of open water many seals are shot from the umiaks engaged in whaling and walrus hunting or caught in nets set along the shore at Elson Bay.
This is also the only season when seals can be captured with the small kaiak darts.
Footnote N620: Beechey saw the skulls of seals and other animals kept in piles round the houses at Hotham Inlet (Voyage, p.
It is at this time, probably, that the kaiak comes specially in play for spearing molting fowl and "flappers", and for catching seals with the kukiga.
A woman, however, who is at work on deerskin clothing must not touch a hand to the seals or the sled on which they are loaded, but may lend a hand at hauling on the drag line.
Wives generally used the same sealsas their husbands: thus Cicero (Ad Attic.
Pomponia, I believe, has the sealsof what is sealed.
The mother hastened to open it, and found a messenger waiting with a letter in his hand which had several seals on it.
Having given a small sum to the messenger for his trouble, the widow broke the seals of the letter with trembling fingers.
Proceeding south, they in a short time came off two islands, so thickly covered with seals and penguins that they might easily, in the course of a few hours, have laden all their ships with them.
He returned with some seals and grass, which was eagerly devoured by the men suffering from scurvy.
Seals and sea-lions swarmed round the coast of this island.
After touching at some islands which lie about a day's sail to the westward of California, where there was a large supply of seals and aquatic birds, the Golden Hind continued her course.
They obtained from the birds andseals frequenting the shore an abundance of food, which, it appeared, they ate raw.
The English here killed large numbers of birds, which were so tame that they perched on the men's heads and shoulders, and in a bay near at hand they took upwards of two hundred seals in the space of an hour.
As soon as he resigned the seals of office in 1274, he set himself to revise the statutes of his college at Oxford, before taking up his duties as Bishop of Rochester.
The ceiling is divided into square compartments, on each of which are painted the arms of the University, the open Bible with seven seals (I Rev.
It was high and sandy, but with some vegetation on the surface, and we saw many large seals sleeping on the sandy beach.
Killing seals is, from the habits of these animals, necessarily an exciting species of hunting in the southern and western portions of the continent.
There were several other doors, whose chains required to be filed through, and theirseals and locks broken, and to the ears of the waiting Helen the noise appeared fatally loud.
The attorney's first care was to assume the direction of affairs, and to place seals upon every article containing or likely to contain anything of value belonging to the deceased.
Dorset” and “Jo: Popham,” and the three seals of their arms are pendant.
It is signed by Heneage, Earl of Nottingham, Lord Chancellor, and Sir Francis Pemberton and Sir Francis North, the two Lords Chief Justices, all of whose seals are pendant to the document.
The document is signed by Richard Earl of Portland, Lord Treasurer; Sir Thomas Richardson and Sir Robert Heath, the Lords Chief Justices; the seals of the first two are still pendant, but that of Sir Robert Heath is missing.
There is a fine portrait of Queen Anne on the first skin, and the Document is signed by William Lord Cowper, Lord Chancellor, Sir John Holt and Sir John Trevor, Lords Chief Justices, whose seals are pendant.
Had there been, however, a real Bonaparte in Paris at that time, he would probably have cut off the aforesaid seals with his sword.
Not only were the doors of their respective meeting halls looked, but they were "secured" with strips of tape and seals of red wax.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.