These efficiencies, of course, are less than the efficiencies of the arc alone, because the losses in the mechanism, globes, etc.
Recent work indicates that much higher efficiencies of light-production are still attainable by the principles involved in the gas-mantle.
These efficienciesare in terms of the most efficient (yellow-green) light.
This is the satisfactory unit, for it measures total quantity of light, and luminous efficiencies may be expressed in terms of lumens per watt, lumens per cubic foot of gas per hour, etc.
In order to obtain a bird's-eye view of progress in light-production, the following table of relative luminous efficiencies of several light-sources is given in round numbers.
Modern illuminants have luminous efficiencies ranging from 5 to 30 lumens per watt, so it is seen that much is to be done before the limitingefficiencies are reached.
The luminous efficiencies of light-sources to-day are still very low, but great advances have been made in the past half-century.
These lamps have been developed to meet a variety of needs and their luminous efficiencies range from 20 to 40 lumens per watt, being several times that of the ordinary carbon open-arc.
Of course, the efficiencies of light-sources are usually of interest to the consumer if they are expressed in terms of cost.
Efficiencies and new methods have resulted in reduction in the cost of providing freight transportation, and freight rates show a continuous descending line from the level enforced by the World War.
By your sustainment of the rigid economies already inaugurated, with hoped-for extension of these economies and added efficiencies in administration, I believe further reductions may be enacted and hindering burdens abolished.
New economies, new efficiencies in cooperation must be found.
Deregulation will lead to increased productivity and operating efficiencies in the industries involved, and stimulate price and service competition, to the benefit of consumers generally.
Experiments on English and Foreign Boilers with their Heat Efficiencies shown in Fifty Tables.
No other system offers such remarkable efficiencies of power transmission.
The practical results of trunk efficiencies in automatic systems are given in Table XVI.
Without, for a moment, suspecting that such wresting of male energies and efficiencies from its young women-victims has inevitably entailed upon them degrees of that climacteric of womanhood which is the herald of decline.
Pulleys have sometimesefficiencies as low as 40 per cent.
How do the efficiencies of the two dishes compare?
How do you account for any differences in the efficiencies found?
Some forms of the wheel and axle have highefficiencies as in bicycles with gear wheels.
It is the most efficient type of water-wheel, efficiencies of 90 per cent.
As a result of simply posting this record our efficiencies rose to over 60 per cent and our moisture test increased a little less than 1 per cent.
Each foreman took a portion of the chart and one of the celluloid scales by which, we obtained the efficiencies and explained in detail to each one of the men how their records were calculated.
If, then, we multiply the theoretical efficiencies by 0.
These efficiencies do not take any account of loss of heat before the boiler.
The practical efficiencies are not nearly this, but they are in about the same ratio--27/13.
In this we have three efficiencies to consider--those of the furnace, the boiler, and the cylinder.
For this reason small differences in the efficiencies of different systems should be given only moderate weight in comparison with the items of first cost, reliability, and expense of operation.
These figures for efficiencies at partial loads vary somewhat with the design and make of transformers.
The combined efficiencies of the two sets of transformers and the line give the efficiency of the transmission, which equals the product of 0.
How do the efficiencies of large and small generators compare?
The sizes and number of generator to be installed should be such as to permit the engines operating them being worked at nearly full load, because the efficiencies of the latter machines decrease rapidly when carrying less than this amount.
In the practical operation of the gas-engine during the past twenty years, the gas-consumption efficiencies per indicated horse-power have gradually risen from 17 per cent.
Indeed, when all the angels and saints in heaven join in supplication to God, their prayers are but those of servants; but when Mary prays her intercession is that of His Mother.
Efficiency with Oil--As pointed out in enumerating the advantages of oil fuel over coal, higher efficiencies are obtainable with the former.
If the loss of fuel through the grates could be entirely overcome, the efficiencies obtained by (31) and (32) would obviously be the same.
Many experiments have been made as to the relative efficiencies of different kinds of covering.
The efficiencies that may be expected from the combination of well-designed boilers and furnaces are indicated in Table 59 in which are given a number of tests with various fuels and under widely different operating conditions.
Higher efficiencies and capacities are obtainable with oil than with coal.
Such of these as are based solely on the relative calorific values of oil and coal are of limited value, inasmuch as the efficiencies to be obtained with oil are higher than that obtainable with coal.
Calculated from Marks and Davis Tables Diagonal Lines Represent Per Cent Efficiency] Boiler efficiencies will vary over a wide range, depending on a great variety of factors and conditions.
Presupposing a constant furnace temperature, regardless of the capacity at which a given boiler is run; to assure equal efficiencies at low and high ratings, the exit temperature in the two instances would necessarily be the same.
In the modern efforts after the highest obtainable plant efficiencies much has been done to reduce such losses by the use of an insulated steel casing covering the brickwork.
The conditions under which such efficiencies are to be secured are distinctly test conditions in which careful operation is a prime requisite.
The highest efficiencies that have been secured with coal are in the neighborhood of 82 per cent and from that point efficiencies are found all the way down to below 50 per cent.
Hence, in the case of liquid and gaseous fuels, where there is practically no waste, these efficiencies are almost identical.
This is at once a definition of progress and of civilization, in which civilization is the sum of socialefficiencies and progress consists of the units (additions) of which it is composed.
The curves shown by Mr. Wilson give a clear general idea of the relative efficiencies of steam and gas engines when treated from a purely theoretical thermodynamic point of view.
In the work at Norfolk, during 1907, this purpose was modified to the extent of keeping in view relative fuel efficienciesfor naval purposes.
It met these added costs, without any very visible addition to its revenues, by holding rather tightly down on its pay-roll and by adopting large operating efficiencies and economies.
It saw their mistakes--the waste as well as the manyefficiencies of the Railroad Administration--and it demanded a prompt return to private operation.
The object of these experiments was to study the relative efficiencies and cost for the operation of slow sand filters when operated at different rates.
Mr. Hazen referred to the inferior efficiencies of the experimental filters for rate studies (as shown in Table 20) in the removal of the B.
Excellent farmers differ regarding the relative efficiencies of manure plowed down and that mixed with the top soil.
We need to be concerned only with the relative efficiencies of the various forms of lime, as measured in terms of money.
Efficiencies are, of course, calculated on the net time--that is, on the total time of the job after day time and other allowances have been deducted.
If other workers can keep up their efficiencies on the same jobs, the complaint is groundless; while if other workers cannot keep their efficiencies, it is obvious that something is wrong, and the conditions will be investigated.
The efficiencies are shown along the bottom line, and the 100 per cent.
If a line be plotted of efficiencies and rates-paid, the line is not a straight one, as in other cases, but a curve as shown in the diagram.
The bonuses between these twoefficiencies were then arranged so that for each 1 per cent.
The Total Luminous Efficienciesof Present-day Illuminants.
Messrs Gilbert and Heenan found the efficiencies of ordinary fans calculated on the compression to be 40 to 60% when working at about normal conditions.
Hence it is that the average efficiency of pumps of this kind is in practice less than the efficiencies given above.
The author would gladly have concluded this paper with a comparison of the efficiencies of the four systems which have been examined, or what amounts to the same thing--with a comparison of the losses of power which they occasion.
In conclusion, the following table gives the efficiencies of a Girard turbine, constructed by Messrs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "efficiencies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.