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Example sentences for "educed"

Lexicographically close words:
educations; educative; educator; educators; educe; eduction; edulis; edzino; eed
  1. EDUC'IBLE, that may be educed or brought out and shown.

  2. Smith eventually educed and reduced to successful practice the method of reducing dislocations by the manoeuvre, a system as useful as it is simple, and as scientific as the principle of flexion and leverage on which it depends.

  3. And in these cases the plural is added to the last educed form, making kâgidooshkidjig, babblers, &c.

  4. It is so, in the ordinary course of nature; but in the case before us, it has been educed in a totally different manner, and by a totally different energy, viz.

  5. I assume that each organism which the Creator educed was stamped with an indelible specific character, which made it what it was, and distinguished it from everything else, however near or like.

  6. Light, so far from being solely derived from the sun, exists in, and can be educed from, almost any known substance.

  7. Educed or evolved from the divine substance of Brahm.

  8. Could that mighty Potentate have been got up, think you, by a committee of gentlemen, and those drawings educed by proffered prizes?

  9. Out of a frightful anarchy, he educed at least a rude and imperfect order.

  10. And at length a system of justice and order is educed out of the chaos.

  11. Political Economy is already a body of exact definitions and sound principles educed from and applied to a single class of facts.

  12. Are the definitions and principles already logically educed from and applied to the great class of Valuables orderly arranged in "a body"?

  13. A Science is the body of exact definitions and sound principles educed from and applied to a single class of facts or phenomena.

  14. Therefore the soul is educed from the potentiality of matter.

  15. Further, every actuality of matter is educed from the potentiality of that matter; for since matter is in potentiality to act, any act pre-exists in matter potentially.

  16. But enough has been educed to show the importance of this and other "Homes" for the recovery of inebriates, and to direct public attention to their great value.

  17. It receives and unites with the form which is educed from its potentiality by the action of efficient causes, and thus contributes to the generation of the concrete, composite individual reality.

  18. Transitive movement or activity, on the other hand (motio, actio transiens), is that of which the term is some actuality educed in a being other than the agent.

  19. The Law of Thinking as educed from a study of the proposition is the law of classification.

  20. We prove a proposition by determining the steps by which it was educed from a more generic statement.

  21. The Law of Thinking can be educed only from expressed Thought, but the Law is not objective thought, any more than the idea of the sculptor is marble, or the conception of the painter is paint.

  22. Hence we come to the conclusion that every created being, for the very reason of its having been educed out of nothing, retains potency, as the stamp of its origin, in its essential constitution.

  23. Real, whether educed from texts containing the institution of the Primacy, or from the inherent properties of the Church.

  24. And this scheme, by leaving to the geologist in this country and elsewhere, save mayhap in some unknown Asiatic district, his unbroken series, certainly does not conflict with the facts educed by geologic discovery.

  25. Its facts are equally capable of being educed and established by the unassisted human intellect.

  26. It is even said that all the doctrines of Deductive or Syllogistic Logic may be educed from them.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "educed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.