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Example sentences for "economise"

Lexicographically close words:
economic; economical; economically; economics; economies; economised; economising; economist; economists; economize
  1. Therefore, do not economise the ammunition.

  2. Cyrus Harding had intended to blow her up, so as to collect the remains on the shore, but a strong gale from the north-east and a heavy sea compelled him to economise his powder.

  3. Besides, the chips of the wood destined for the construction of the ship enabled them to economise the coal, which required more trouble to transport.

  4. The wind is favourable for the direction which she appears to be taking, and she may be anxious to economise her coal, being so far from land.

  5. To economise the grass he ordered the Clinabarians to kill the least strong among the stallions.

  6. The plan has been adopted to economise in men and money; but its weak point seems to be that, as the ministers have to please all denominations, the teaching is apt to become wishy-washy.

  7. But, of course, this plan would not economise in men.

  8. In order to economise the heat, this water was contained in a tube T, which surrounded the pipe H.

  9. If you economise on your table you will have to spend the money at the drug-store.

  10. My travelling companion suggested taking a lease of three, six, or nine years with Mother Oseraie; during which nine years, in her opinion, we could economise to the extent of a hundred and fifty thousand francs!

  11. It is our own affair whether we squander or economise their use.

  12. By good fortune, or calculation, I have preserved my youthful appearance, but it has cost me dear to economise my emotions.

  13. Still, although it was so important to economise gas, the excessive lowness of the surrounding temperature forced them to consume a certain quantity.

  14. Besides, once delivered up there, I shall do my best to economise it and only to breathe it on great occasions.

  15. However desirous Barbicane might be to economise the gas, of which he had so small a reserve, he was obliged to have recourse to it for artificial light--an expensive brilliancy which the sun then refused.

  16. We economise legs and arms, and that to the profit of folks that don't know what to do with them.

  17. They economise it still more by making the bases and the sides of the tubes extremely thin; the borders only of the comb being fortified by an excess of wax.

  18. We see still further that the best thing the bees could do to economise their space and materials, was to compose their honeycombs of two rows of cells turned in opposite directions.

  19. Moreover, spinning the thread costs the caterpillars but little; indeed, the loopers economise this thread so badly that most of them leave it behind them wherever they go.

  20. This arrangement, it will be seen, enables them to economise the half of the wax intended for making the bases of the cells.

  21. I've got so many dutiable things in my trunks, that I really ought to economise on something.

  22. So, shortly after the girls learned that they had to economise on expenses that year, Polly carried her old coverlets to Mr. Ashby's shop and left them with him to sell.

  23. One of these sermons--on the new birth--has been already noticed.

  24. We would be taught, before we are baptized.

  25. The Latin colonies were ordinarily founded to economise the colonies of Roman citizens, which were charged principally with the defence of the coasts and the maintenance of commercial relations with foreign people.

  26. The preparation of his food by means of water or steam power, or even by animal motive power, would economise by at least 50 per cent.

  27. The diminished organs economise the consumption of the carbonaceous matters in the blood, hence, more remains for conversion into fat, but equally prepared for yielding cream, if the tendency of the animal is equally favorable to the same.

  28. It has not yet learned its strength, nor accustomed itself to economise its power.

  29. The nation can never rightly economise and utilise its intellect until every one of its children, capable of such culture, can pass freely up through all the grades of education to the very summit.

  30. She began to wonder if she couldn't find some other way to economise rather than on the horses, for she certainly did love to drive.

  31. For it just occurred to Patty that, having run her father into such unexpected expense in the household, a good way to economise would be to give up all hopes of horses.

  32. You know that the waste water is carried away by a tube inside another tube, through which come the waters from the boilers; this was to economise the heat.

  33. It was here that navigators of bygone ages were accustomed to cast their horses into the sea to lighten the ship in stormy weather, and to economise the fresh water when becalmed.

  34. In time the oarsman begins to accustom himself somewhat to his diminished allowance of fluid, and he learns to economise it during his meals, to wash down his solids.

  35. The object of arranging the oars in banks was to economise horizontal space and to obtain an increase in the number of oars without having to lengthen the vessel.

  36. Let a coxswain also remember that, in teaching men to row, his object should be to teach them to economise their strength by using properly their weight.

  37. General names are not, as some have argued, a mere contrivance to economise words.

  38. The fifth division is into Relative and (that we may economise the term Absolute for an occasion when none other is available) Non-relative names.

  39. By this means, also, I shall so economise the funds placed in my hands, that I can make them productive of the supplies from this State.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "economise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.