Oscar could see into the room and could overhear every word--almost hear a whisper, so cunningly had the eavesdropping trap been contrived.
You need not fear me when I know you have them dead to rights, as you must have them after a lay-in up in that eavesdropping den of mine.
But if not merely Nogam, he will have a subtler means of eavesdropping than by listening at doors.
There is no rule of manners or morals, however, forbidding eavesdropping during the proceedings of a public meeting--and anyhow, he felt rather shiveringly curious about these deliberations.
Lydia began going back over the conversation with Kent that the eavesdropping episode had crowded from her thoughts.
He confided the fact to Lydia one Sunday that he had told Levine of theireavesdropping on him in the woods.
Eavesdropping isn't a pleasant task, at best, and if by any chance we should be caught, it would be a humiliating experience.
Incidentally, you led me into a bit of eavesdropping too, for when I was at pains to inform myself who it was who was so engrossed in that conversation, I couldn't help hearing a few words of what was interesting you.
I've beeneavesdropping on satellites for years," Eva commented.
He frowned, unable to understand at once the relevance of the ragged money and realized that Joan was sobbing into his shoulder the tale of an eavesdropping bartender and a doctor.
He listened sullenly to the facts of my eavesdropping and apologized.
Democrates seized a heavy dog-whip, lashed the boy unmercifully, then cast him out, threatening that eavesdropping would be rewarded by “cutting into shoe soles.
Yet had he continued his eavesdropping he might have found—if not the key to all Democrates’s doings—at least a partial explanation.
Again, divination by eavesdropping is practised in the Isle of Man in much the same way as in Scotland.
Yet few people cared to be caught eavesdropping at the byre; wise folk contented themselves with setting a good store of fodder in the manger, then shut the door, and left the animals to their ruminations.
Mr Bloom was all at sea for a moment, seeing the others evidently eavesdropping too.
Scaring eavesdropping boots croppy bootsboy Bloom in the Ormond hallway heard the growls and roars of bravo, fat backslapping, their boots all treading, boots not the boots the boy.
The report of his eavesdropping leads to the casting off of Hero at the altar.
The report of his eavesdropping conveys no notion of the truth, and leads, no doubt, to a bitter moment for Hero.
He had not seen the Marchese Ludovico in the course of the day, and was curious to find out what had been the result of the eavesdropping that he had retailed to the Marchese Lamberto.
An instant before I had half turned to go, ashamed of eavesdroppingupon matters that did not concern me; but the Voice that had sent me held me to the window.
There was only one Sister in the house, and a few servants; it seemed incredible that they could be eavesdropping upon this guest of the house.
An eavesdropping ray will never get through to us.
And we had several eavesdropping microphones which we planned to use whenever occasion offered.
Outside, anywhere outside these walls, an eavesdroppingray may be upon us.
Two other voices are audible near for a few seconds, with a roused interest for Challis, whose sense of eavesdropping increases.
There are some things that a man of breeding may not witness--some things to look upon which is near akin to eavesdropping or reading the letters of another.
It was as if his hovering soul had been eavesdropping on their thoughts.
Orson and Tudie forgot their own quarrel in the supernal rapture of eavesdropping somebody's else wrangle.
Throughout the rest of the meal there was a lively argument about dictaphones and other means of eavesdropping which the spy might have used.
But while this comparatively harmless eavesdropping was in progress, a far more sinister drama was being enacted below decks.
I had forgotten myeavesdropping in the clump of raspberries on the day of my arrival.
Then it dawned upon me that he was the third man I had met in the field overhanging the garden after my eavesdropping experience the day before.
I found him eavesdropping near the laurels by the terrace last night.
It required no further eavesdropping to tell me that; I felt it in the altered air.
I was noteavesdropping this time--I was merely letting Mackie do my eavesdropping for me.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eavesdropping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: attention; audience; audition; conference; ear; hearing; interview; listening; nosy; tryout