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Example sentences for "dyuers"

Lexicographically close words:
dysphagia; dyspnea; dyspnoea; dysposed; dysuria; dyuerse; dyvers; dyverse; eable
  1. Dyuers Princes and Noblemen (quod he) that dwel far of, be come according to the appointment, and he which first allotted the day, is not present.

  2. Oh how diligence in Gentlewomen, aduaunced to Princes Chambers, no lesse than the greene leaues to braunched Trees, or dyuers coloured Floures in Nosegayes.

  3. Some praysed the kinge's Disposition for taking hir whom he fansied: ech man speakynge his seuerall mynde accordynge to the dyuers customes of men.

  4. Notwythstandinge, for satisfaction of dyuers that be my frendes, I will not sticke to reherse some of them.

  5. What Damage and hurt haue lyghted vppon dyuers Monarches and Prynces through sugred Lippes and Venemous Woordes, I wyll not spend tyme to recite.

  6. Here may be seene the extremitie of two dyuers thinges, duety combatting with shame, reason being in contention with himself.

  7. And discoursing vppon dyuers matters, the lady shewed hir selfe a pleasaunt and Familyar Gentlewoman, whych made the Baron to thynk that in short tyme he should wyn the pryce for which he came.

  8. Other histories reporte dyuers peryls chaunced in hunting, but yet the same worthy to be cheryshed, frequented and vsed by good aduise and moderate pastyme.

  9. Of the barganyng or batellis of this Eneas, her in dyuers bukis followand; and of the beldyng of this cyte, and how lang his ryng endurit, in the last and penult c.

  10. Then dyuers shamelesse persons demaunded licence to returne to Cuba, but they were suche as loued no warres.

  11. By this meanes are they marueylously diuided among themselues, and lyke beastes kyll themselues for such quarelles of dyuers opinions, and all false.

  12. By this tale ye may se that men feare many tymes more than they nede, whiche hathe caused men to beleue that sperytes and deuyls haue ben sene in dyuers places, whan it hathe ben nothynge so.

  13. And so [he] proceded styll in his sermon in suche fonde ryme, that dyuers and many gentylmen of the court that were there began to smyle and laughe.

  14. To whome a carter of the towne, a mery fellowe, resorted and laye with her dyuers tymes, whan her husbande was on garde; and thys was so openly knowen that all the towne spake therof.

  15. Two gentylmen of acquoyntaunce were apoynted to lye with a gentylwoman both in one nyght, the one nat knowynge of the other, at dyuers houres.

  16. Thys frere that shroue him examyned hym of dyuers synnes, and asked him amonge other whiche were the gretteste synnes that euer he dyd.

  17. Thys wydowe was wonte euery nyght, before she slepte and dyuers tymes whan she waked, to kysse the sayde pycture of olde John: wherefore the sayde nyghte she kyssed the sayde yonge man, beleuynge that she hadde kyste the picture.

  18. It happened dyuers to be in communicacyon, amonge whome there was a curate or a parysshe preest and one John Dawe, a parisshon of his; whiche ii had communicacyon more busy than other in thys maner.

  19. By this ye may se, that dyuers men haue so euyll and larg conscyence that they thynke, yf they do one good dede or refrayn from doynge of one euyll synne, that yt ys satysfaccyon for other synnes and ofencys.

  20. But dyuers that were present thought more defaut in hym, because he hym selfe beforetyme had admytted them to be prestys.

  21. To whom he answeryd and sayd yes and sayd he had ben priuye to many of them, and dyd helpe to robe and to slee dyuers of them.

  22. I haue in many places ouerpassed dyuers poetical digressions and obscurenes of fables and haue concluded my worke in rude langage as shal apere in my translacion.

  23. A scoler longe: and that in dyuers scoles But he myght be Captayne of a Shyp of Foles But if that any one be in suche maner case.

  24. On dyuers Braunches that longe to Lechery.

  25. Conteyning the Discourse of dyuers Countreys, the succession of their Kyngs: the actes and exploytes atchieued by them: the Lavves and customes of euery Nation: with the true Description and Antiquitie of the same.

  26. And the rose of ye garden and the wylde rose ben dyuers in multitude of floures: smelle and colour: and also in vertue.

  27. Many wodes ben betwyne dyuers co[=u]trees and londes: and departyth theym asondre.

  28. And makyth shadowe wythe thycke bowes and braunches: and fayr with dyuers blossomes, and floures of swetnesse and lykynge: with goode fruyte and noble.

  29. I haue dyuers tymes bene attemted, but I neuer loste *[leaf 21]* much before.

  30. Sum lykewyse to be yelowe whiche is betwene blacke and white; and other of other colours as it were of dyuers liueres.

  31. And vppon theyr small eares, did hange dyuers precious stones, and ouer the variable dressings of theyr heades, before in two Hemycicles, were set shoddowes of oryent Pearle and stone, in flowers of hayre.

  32. A booke exceding profitable to be red: because it intreateth of the astate of many and dyuers common weales, how they haue bene, and now be gouerned.

  33. Conteyning the Discourse of dyuers Countreys, the succession of theyr Kyngs: the actes and exploytes atchieued by them: the Lawes and customes of euery Nation: with the true Description and Antiquitie of the same.

  34. The workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before: As in the table more playnly dothe appere.

  35. So it is that the Kinges Highenes is certaynly informyd that dyuers and many thinges arne dayly conveyd ouit of this realme into the partyes of beyond the sees contrary to the statutes and provisions in suche casse ordeinyd and provided.

  36. There haue been many before me, who, to know the miracles of the worlde, haue with diligent studie read dyuers authours which haue written of such thynges.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dyuers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.