O what will it avail in a dying hour, or in the judgment day, that we have worn the mark of profession, and seemed to man, what we were not in heart and reality of life before God!
Now was I got on high, I saw myself within the arms of grace and mercy; and though I was before afraid to think of a dying hour, yet now I cried, Let me die.
Now was I got on high; I saw myself within the arms of grace and mercy; and though I was before afraid to think of a dying hour, yet now I cried, Let me die.
Among all the ten thousand regrets that mingle with a dying hour, and oft bedew with bitter tears a dying pillow, who ever told of regrets and repentance here?
Some children, however, think that they can put off becoming Christians till a dying hour, and then repent and be saved.
As this child thought of a dying hour, and of a Savior's love, his heart was full of feeling, and the tears gushed into his eyes.
God will smile upon you, and give joy in a dying hour.
O, that the solemn warning which she gave to her young friend, not to put off repentance as she had done, until a dying hour, might continue to sound in your ears, until you would no longer delay repentance.
These she warned, in the most solemn manner, not to put off repentance, as she had done, to a dying hour.
The sayings of eminent men, in a dying hour, are eminently worthy of being gathered together--they are often illustrative of the characters of the dead, and impressive upon the hearts of the living.
It is not unusual for the consciences of men, in a dying hour, to clutch, for security, at the veriest straws.
Pendleton knows," said he, in a dying hour, referring to Burr, and addressing Dr.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dying hour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.