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Example sentences for "barbarous people"

  • This mode of extending the use of a single name is natural to a barbarous people;[440] and would cause little or no confusion, as long as the traditions of the country remained local and unconnected.

  • And, indeed, the chief difficulties which Christianity had to encounter did not arise so much from the struggles of opposite religious prejudices as from the gross and licentious manners of a barbarous people.

  • Contenting himself with a submission, always cheaply won from a barbarous people, and never long regarded, Severus made no sort of military establishment in that country.

  • The Turks were only constituted to contend with a barbarous people, like themselves, or with a degenerate people, like the Greeks.

  • Joannice, the leader of a barbarous people, himself more barbarous than his subjects, was advancing with a formidable army.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barbarous people" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    avail ourselves; barbarous nations; barbarous people; being destroyed; children were; closely followed; couple more; dark color; doing this; draw lines; eighteen years; five pesos; friendly society; her self; know each; legal medicine; life from; looking glass; motive power; nervous fever; public discussion; roast meat; wonder what