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Example sentences for "dwel"

Lexicographically close words:
dwarfer; dwarfing; dwarfish; dwarfness; dwarfs; dwell; dwelle; dwelled; dwellen; dweller
  1. Maximes church behind the market, and they shal dwel in the same house according as before time, and they shall keepe one alwayes in the house to keepe it, either a Russe, or one of their owne people.

  2. Dyuers Princes and Noblemen (quod he) that dwel far of, be come according to the appointment, and he which first allotted the day, is not present.

  3. Wherfore she deuysed to forsake the Tarquinians and to dwel at Rome, where she thoughte among that honourable sorte and new erected state that her husband beyng stout and valiant should attayne some place of resiaunce.

  4. And where I began to erect a good part of the lodgings of this building vpon the ground of the fidelitie, hoping to dwel there for euer, sodenly thou hast ouerthrowen the whole plot.

  5. After these is the region called Troglodytica, whose inhabitants dwel in caues and dennes: for these are their houses, and the flesh of serpents their meat, as writeth Plinie, and Diodorus Siculus.

  6. But (thy) louing kyndnes and mercy shal folowe me all the dayes of my lyfe: and I wyll dwel in the house of the Lord for euer.

  7. And thy mercie shal folow me al the dayes of my life; And that I may dwel in the house of our Lord, in longitude of dayes.

  8. The reuerend als and dreidfull monysyngis Of Carmentes my moder, in mony thingis 20 Expert as nymphe and prophetes dyvyne, And the autorite of god Appollyne, Hes me constrenyt to dwel in this hald.

  9. Brasand and halsand thai dwel al nycht and day.

  10. M27) But let vs omit all presumptions how vehement soeuer, and dwel vpon the certainty of such commodities as were discouered by S.

  11. And when hee sawe him to weepe he commaunded that if the honest poore man would dwel there to do some seruice, he should be reteyned.

  12. Nevertheles such as dwel abrode are very poore, for the multitude of them euery where is so great, that out of a tree you shal see many tymes swarme a number of children where a man would not haue thought to haue founde any one at all.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dwel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dwell together; dwell upon; dwelling house; dwelling houses; dwelling place; dwelt upon