Goo droo thic veel an up thic lane, An take tha lift hon path, Than droo Miss Crossman's backzid strait, Ool bring ye up ta Wrath.
Gife me dot pure vater dot all der time courses Droo dhose pipes dot run down vrom der schpring on der hill.
Vhen Pfeiffer's oldt vell mit der schnow vas all cofered, Und he vades droo der schnow drift to get him a trink, I schlips vrom der hearth vhere der schiltren vas hofered, To dot long-handled dipper dot hangs by der sink.
All day droo Fredericksdown so fast, Horses, und guns, und sozers bast.
Id was droo der sdreeds of Fredericksdown; Der red-hot zun he vas shine him down.
I knows as wull what ails ’e now, as if it arl coom droo my own heart.
Lor’ bless ’e, I been droo the zame my zen, and I knaws arl about ’en.
I zeen a light a blickerin' droo th' tallot dwoor.
An' when a done the bwoy hollered out droo the bung hawl, 'How be I to get out, veyther?
There's some volk as thinks to go droo life in glassen slippers.
Never in aal me life did I go at such a rate under and awver bridges an droo holes in the 'ills.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "droo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.