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Example sentences for "drooled"

Lexicographically close words:
drongo; droning; dronke; dronken; droo; drooling; droon; droop; drooped; drooping
  1. Dogs could not lie quiet; in the coolest corners of the kennel they drooled and panted.

  2. She lay for the most part motionless, changing her position but rarely; her expression was stolid; she retained and drooled saliva, wet and soiled herself.

  3. She did not soil any more, but she sometimes drooled and had to be spoon-fed.

  4. At times (even nearly to the end) she drooled and soiled.

  5. She lay totally inactive for the most part, had to be fed, soiled herself, drooled saliva, was at times cataleptic, often rigid.

  6. His eyes were red, and blood drooled from a corner of his mouth.

  7. Vince drooled supplications for mercy, begging Penny to sign Bryant's agreement and save him from the torture of the heated iron.

  8. Blood drooled from the side of the old man's mouth and stained his white mustache.

  9. He wagged his tail because the two in the cabin greeted each other gladly, and he drooled at the odor of frying pork chops.

  10. He drooled at the odor of food, but because painful experience had taught him to be very careful in all dealings with men, he did not go any nearer.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drooled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.