As long as that report lasts, so long is the doersaid to be in heaven.
And that god, who is the doer of all that is good, was duly honoured by his son, and in company with the Mothers, he stayed there by the side of Mahasena to tend him.
God is the real and only responsible doer of whatever comes to pass, and man the passive instrument in his hand.
God here testifies that to use the service of others without wages is "unrighteousness" and pronounces his "wo" against the doer of the "wrong.
What is done for Christ will bring to the doer more of Christ as its consequence and reward.
Much is said about ingratitude, but very often it is but the instinctive recoil of the heart from the unkinddoer of a kindness.
The only thing certain about the deed once done is, that its irrevocable consequences will reach much farther than the doer dreamed, and that no limits can be set to the subtle influence which, for blessing or harm, it exerts.
There is to be a double recompense--to the slave of Christ the portion of a son; to the wrong doer retribution "for the wrong that he has done.
By which, it may be inferred, that he expected the evil-doer to choose his own arresting place.
So successful had been his career as a law preserver, that of late years no evil-doer had had the courage to ply his nefarious games in the community.
In judging the deed let not the character of the doer influence thy opinion, for good is good, evil evil, by whomsoever done.
The pure of heart see God; the evil-doer loves darkness and shuns the light.
To resist such evil and destroy it, the doer of evil is to be punished by death or maiming or some personal injury.
In another place we read that the commission of a sin in secret is an impertinent attempt by the doer to oust God from the world.
The reward of a good action is the good work itself, and the doer must not expect any other reward; 8.
Who is he by voice immortal named from Pythia's rocky cell, Doer of foul deeds of bloodshed, horrors that no tongue can tell?
Yea, but now flashed forth the summons from Parnassus' snowy peak, "Near and far the undiscovered doer of this murder seek!
The testimony thus far adduced is only that of the slaveholder and wrong-doer himself: the admission of men who have a direct interest in keeping out of sight the horrors of their system.
The King is the doer of everything; but he can do nothing of moment without the consent of his Witan.
But the case gained tenfold strength when William added that the doer of the wrong was of all men the one most specially bound not to do it.
He was no tale-bearer; the evil-doer who had caused the disaster would have to be singled out by lot.
But if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
But he that hath looked into the perfect law of liberty and hath continued therein, not becoming a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work: this man shall be blessed in his deed.
Pride separates a person from others, and makes him think himself superior to those around him; but the pleasure in some piece of work well done is helpful and stimulating, and encourages the doer to take up some more difficult work.
For its results tend to restrain the doerfrom a too high opinion of himself, and the character of the work is too precious in God's sight for the world to be worthy of rewarding it.
With that solemn picture flaming before his inward eye, the prophet-psalmist turns to gaze on the evil-doer who has to bear the brunt of these weapons of light.
After Lincoln there was no doer of the work to finish his task and the evil of those who perverted the exalted purpose of the Civil War continues even unto this day.