The chief contemporary literary sources for general conditions are given under Section I.
In the eleventh of his reign, he charged the said constable to distrain all fish offered to be sold in any place of this city, but at the Queene hithe.
London, that the parish of St. Stephen upon Walbrooke ought of right to scour the course of the said brook, and therefore the sheriffs were commanded to distrain the said parishioners so to do, in the year 1300.
A landlord requires no such warrant--he can distrain without any authority.
If a landlorddistrain for rent, he can find no bidders for the crops or cattle; how much more difficult will it be for him to obtain bidders for land?
When the mayor ordered the sheriffs to distrain they refused on the plea that it was the mayor’s business, not theirs.
Many stoutly refused to pay; and the constables whose duty it was to distrain in such cases manifested great reluctance to proceed to extremities.
The bailiffs were pelted with rocks when they came to distrain property.
The landlord may distrain the renter's cattle on any common or any growing grain, roots, or fruit.
Landlords may distrain within 30 days and sell goods and chattels fraudulently or clandestinely carried off the premises by renters in arrears of rent.
A lord maydistrain land within his fee for rents, customs, or services due without naming the tenant, because of the existence of secret feoffments and leases made by their tenants to unknown persons.
If a tenant is past due his rent, the lord may distrain his beasts which are on the land.
The Court of Hustings in London is empowered to award landlords their tenements for which rent or services are in arrears if the landlord could not distrain enough tenant possessions to cover the arrearages.
No constable shall distrain any knight to give money for castle-guard, if he himself will do it in his person, or by another able man, in case he cannot do it through any reasonable cause.
And if the prelates or any of them be remiss in the denunciation of the said sentences, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York for the time being, as is fitting, shall compel and distrain them to make that denunciation in form aforesaid.
Power to the Beadle to distrain (under a Warrant signed by the Masters) for all fines; also power to dismiss disobedient persons, and to inflict corporal punishment.
There his house was entered when he was conducting divine service; a warrant was obtained to distrain upon him for L40, when seven of his milch cows were taken and sold.
No, I do not think they would refuse a police escort to Sheriffs' officers proceeding to distrain on the Belfast manufacturers.
Where a landlord means to distrain for rent, it is not necessary to demand his rent first, unless the tenant is on the premises on the day of payment, and ready to pay it.
Accounts were hardly ever shown by the commissioners, and if a proprietor refused to pay the sums levied they were empowered to distrain immediately.
In 1305 the Guild established itself more firmly by a charter which secured to it all its lands and tenements; and the mayor obtained power to distrain for sums levied on the commonalty.
The Court of Hustings in London is empowered to award landlords their tenementsfor which rent or services are in arrears if the landlord could not distrain enough tenant possessions to cover the arrearages.
If any member is behind in his share of the payment to the King, the bailiffs may distrain his loom until he has paid this.
To distrainby the fief, a lord first obtained a judgment of his court.
A burgess cannot distrain upon a burgess without the leave of the reeve.
If he owes rent, the housekeeper can detain his goods whilst on the premises, or distrain, as a landlord may distrain the goods of a tenant.
Landlord maydistrain for rent either before or after bankruptcy, but only for one year's rent if after bankruptcy.
For 21 years Isabel Stanley, Prioress of King's Mead, Derby, refused to pay a rent due from her house to the Abbot of Burton; at last the Abbot sent his bailiff to distrain for it and she spoke her mind in good set terms.