Listen to the artists of the schools of our times, and you will find, in all branches, each set of artists disowning others.
How can I be otherwise than inconsolable, when I call to mind the agonized demeanour of the dear one on the occasion of my disowning her?
You have made ample amends for the wrong you did [S']akoontalá in disowning her.
So is the experience and warning of all ages, the repentings of the converted, and the disowning it by almost all when they come to die.
When you show not so much disowning and dislike of the evil which you hear, as you might do, without an inconvenience greater than the benefit; but make it your own by sinful silence or compliance.
I am this day to lay down my life for these three things: (1) For disowning the usurpation and tyranny of James duke of York.
In Japanese drama and romance it is not uncommon to represent a father as disowning his child "for the time of seven lives.
Such a disowning is called shichi-sho made no mando, a disinheritance for seven lives,--signifying that in six future lives after the present the erring son or daughter will continue to feel the parental displeasure.
They would have had the mortification to see the masters of ships disowning their authority, and going only to that office where they could obtain authentic and legal clearances.
And if you persist in disowning the council as now authorised, then I desire you further to consider, in what capacity I can act with you, and to what purpose you pretend to sit and transact the public business of the province.
He was one of the three mighties, who afterward issued the Sanquhar Declaration disowning King Charles II.
James Mackenzie is an enthusiastic lover of family history and local folk-lore, and whilst disowning superstitious fancies is quite alive to the charms of romance.
Or at the most, the parent's silence is a confirmation, and his disowning it hindereth only the confirmation.
Because public magistrates are justly supposed to be so distant from almost all their individual subjects, as not to be capable of so speedy a disowning their personal vows.
But not denying her to be a church, unless she cast off some essential part; but so disowning her as in 2 Thess.
If the offender should consider this act of disowning him as an unjust proceeding, he may appeal to a higher tribunal, or to the quarterly court, or meeting.
Excommunication or disowning--nature of disowning as a punishment.
Soon after her decease, John Woolman began his labors in our society, and instead ofdisowning a member for testifying against slavery, they have for fifty-two years positively forbidden their members to hold slaves.
Soon after her decease, John Woolman began his labors in our society, and instead of disowning a member for testifying against slavery, they have for sixty-two years positively forbidden their members to hold slaves.
How can I be otherwise than inconsolable, when I call to mind the agonized demeanor of the dear one on the occasion of my disowning her?
That he had adjourned without necessity the Legislative Body, and suppressed a report of that assembly, besides disowning its right to represent the people.
But whate'er English to the bless'd shall go, And the fourth Harry or first Orange meet; Find him disowning of a Bourbon foe, And him detesting a Batavian fleet.
Those who vehemently opposed Reformed Presbyterians, for disowning the British government, joined cheerfully in its overthrow.
Let it not be said, then, that war is a necessity; and may our country aspire to the glory of taking the lead in disowning the barbarous system of LYNCH LAW among nations, while it proclaims peaceful substitutes!
It has to be said that the disowning at the time of the "separation" was not all on one side.
Disowning members for that cause in one branch of Friends to-day would be practically inconceivable.