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Example sentences for "disparaged"

Lexicographically close words:
disowning; disowns; dispair; dispaire; disparage; disparagement; disparages; disparaging; disparagingly; disparate
  1. I rather doubt that I am," he disparaged himself.

  2. And Deslauriers began by eulogising him, then in a mild fashion disparaged him, giving it out that he was a forgetful individual, and over-fond of money.

  3. The prescribed studies are disparaged studies; they are not worked at the best advantage.

  4. Will he find himself a disparaged person, out of accord with the spirit of the place, and unable to obtain its characteristic advantages?

  5. He was never in any sense a classic; read Greek with difficulty--Aeschylus and Sophocles mainly in translations--and while appreciating Tacitus disparaged Horace.

  6. Byron was born in 1788, and first sprang into notice as the author of English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, a fierce and bitter reply to critics who had disparaged his first essay in poetry.

  7. Yet the effort towards that was disparaged and derided as 'materialistic.

  8. Yet when the attempt was made to draw the attention of the world to just those factors, publicists even as sincere and able as Mr Garvin disparaged it; and very many misrepresented it by silly distortion.

  9. He had not yet traduced his friends, nor flattered his enemies, nor disparaged what he admired, nor praised what he despised.

  10. In Religion, as in Education, he disparaged private institutions and individual ventures.

  11. These disparaged him; sometimes--not always covertly--they ridiculed him.

  12. It was soon seen, too, that just as he irked her, so she disparaged him--an open road to others.

  13. Julian, after his successes in Gaul, is disparaged at the court of Constantius by enviers of his fame, and is spoken of as inactive and cowardly.

  14. He disparaged the model as too far removed from nature, but took advantage of the occasion to give them a lecture.

  15. They disparaged the management of the bridges and causeways, the tobacco administration, the theatres, our marine, and the entire human race, like people who had undergone great mortifications.

  16. Although Amasis thus appears first as champion of the disparaged native, he had the good sense to cultivate the friendship of the Greek world, and brought Egypt into closer touch with it than ever before.

  17. But Socrates, who always disparaged himself in arguing, attributed more knowledge to those whom he wished to refute.

  18. Writing for the theater headquarters and drawing upon such sources of information as the personal observations of some officers, General Bradley disparaged the significance of the experiment.

  19. If they disparaged their troops, they failed as commanders; if they fought for their men, they were dismissed by their superiors as "pro-Negro.

  20. They urged Christians to crucify the flesh, and disparaged marriage,[201:2] and they too were poor and homeless like their Master.

  21. Now that I have seen it acted, I am sorry that I disparaged it at all.

  22. And he has had the glory to add to the list of those he has ruined, a name that, I will be bold to say, would not have disparaged his own.

  23. But my fair accuser says, that, 'I have added to the list of those I have ruined, a name that would not have disparaged my own.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disparaged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.