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Example sentences for "disinfectants"

Lexicographically close words:
disillusions; disinclination; disinclined; disinfect; disinfectant; disinfected; disinfecting; disinfection; disingenuous; disingenuousness
  1. The room was very dirty, and many men were sprinkling disinfectants about.

  2. I have felt unhappy to-day for our sanitary inspector has put disinfectants in all the ponds on the camp as the water was getting stagnant, and all the happy little frogs are suffering.

  3. Disinfectants for the hands should be used in addition to scrubbing with soap and water, not as a substitute.

  4. The following general methods are now in use, but it must be remembered that from time to time new methods are devised and new disinfectants are discovered.

  5. Deodorants and disinfectants do not take the place of ordinary cleanliness.

  6. These disinfectants are poisons if taken internally; the bottles must be carefully labeled and kept in a safe place.

  7. Deodorizers, or substances which destroy smells, are not necessarily disinfectants, and disinfectants do not necessarily have an odor.

  8. Dry heat, steam, and boiling water are valuable disinfectants and do not injure most fabrics.

  9. Remember, first, that deodorizers and disinfectants are not the same.

  10. The disinfectants and the instructions for using them, as given above, are mainly those recommended by the National Board of Health.

  11. As to the disinfectants to be used, special directions are given under the various diseases, to which the reader is referred.

  12. Formalin is the commercial name for the 40 per cent solution of formaldehyde gas in water, and is one of the most powerful antiseptic and disinfectants that we possess.

  13. Anyhow, you get away from the smell of disinfectants and the business of the hospital.

  14. The smell of disinfectants almost suffocated her.

  15. The experiments of Schotte and Gaertner, and of Sternberg, prove the inefficiency of small doses of most of the disinfectants in common use.

  16. The majority of the causes of disease upon which we wish to act by disinfectants are probably minute particles of solid or semi-solid matter which are living, and may be conveniently designated by the word "germs.

  17. This makes it necessary, or at least expedient, to employ disinfectants in many cases where the presence of such causes is doubtful.

  18. In the present state of our knowledge the most reliable and certain prophylaxis is the isolation of patient and nurses, and the thorough and judicious employment of disinfectants upon their persons and in the apartments.

  19. In the United States disinfectants are rated according to the Hygienic Laboratory Phenol Coefficient.

  20. The most precise method of standardizing disinfectants is that now in use in the United States Public Health Service.

  21. The “coefficients” or comparative values which can be calculated from the results after exposure of 15 minutes to the disinfectants range from 2.

  22. Hygienic Laboratory, Method of Standardizing Disinfectants With and Without Organic Matter.

  23. In 1913 this method was formally adopted by the Council for the valuation of disinfectants or germicides of the phenol type, and the method is now in general use for this purpose in the United States.

  24. Many practitioners lose sight of the essential difference between antiseptics and disinfectants and employ antiseptics in cases in which only a disinfectant action would be of value.

  25. Hygienic Laboratory and led to the United States Public Health Service Hygienic Laboratory method for the determination of the phenol coefficient of disinfectants (published in Hygienic Laboratory Bulletin 82).

  26. He intended burning regularly in his house a fire of pungent wood such as pine or cedar, which was to be constantly fed with such spices and perfumes and disinfectants as the physicians should pronounce most efficacious.

  27. Chloroform or other volatile disinfectants may be added to various fluids in order to effect the destruction of contained bacteria, and when this has been done, may be completely driven off from the fluid by the application of gentle heat.

  28. The United States Bureau of Animal Industry regulates the disinfectants to be used and the strength thereof, and as these are subject to change from time to time, I must refer you in this matter to the proper Government authorities.

  29. If this is attempted, good disinfectants should be used, as lock-jaw might follow.

  30. One day he heard his partners joking over the legislative omission by virtue of which they were able to adulterate their disinfectants to any extent without fear of penalty; their laughter grated upon him, and he got out of the way.

  31. Some acquaintances of ours have had a severe illness in their house, and have been using disinfectants made by Ducker, Blunt & Co.

  32. But this matter of disinfectants is really one of the gravest.

  33. People who make disinfectants ought to regard themselves as invested with a sacred trust.

  34. For a long time it had been known to him that the disinfectants manufactured by his firm were far from trustworthy, and of late the complaints of purchasers had become frequent.

  35. Footnote 26: Some of the widely advertised disinfectants are rather ineffective.

  36. Those interested should look up the tests of commercial disinfectants published from time to time by the United States Public Health Service.

  37. Different so-called disinfectants purify the air, and prevent the injurious action of certain of its components by changing or destroying them.

  38. The numerous disinfectants are of the most varied nature.

  39. Strong acids and disinfectants are not required.

  40. Sulphurous acid is one of the commonest disinfectants employed for fumigation--the old orthodox method of disinfecting a room in which a case of infective disease has been nursed.

  41. When we have excessively denuded surfaces, suppuration, or open wounds, disinfectants should be added to the wash.

  42. In cases of local anthrax an incision of the swelling followed by the application of disinfectants sometimes causes good results.

  43. The first of these disinfectants is stated to be a mixture of the sulphates of copper and aluminium, with potassic dichromate and turpentine.

  44. The natural disinfectants are air and water.

  45. Dr Wynter Blyth divides disinfectants into two great classes:--Gaseous, and solid or liquid.

  46. In this case the discharges, especially from the stomach, probably spread the disease, and disinfectants must be mixed with them.

  47. The disinfectants to use are acid bichloride of mercury and heat.

  48. Sprinkling disinfectants about a house, and setting saucers containing disinfectants in rooms is nonsense--the quantity must be sufficient and be in actual contact with the contagion.

  49. Disinfectants were burnt on hot coals as he entered their houses, and he also took a lozenge.

  50. From the advices I have received I believe the shipments of disinfectants and food supplies now on the way will be sufficient to meet the immediate wants.

  51. The nation has been most kind in its response to the appeal of Galveston, and from what I hear, food and disinfectants sufficient for temporary purposes at least, are here or on the way.

  52. Powerful chemicals and disinfectants are required to prevent what this is sure to produce--disease.

  53. The volunteers bandaged their mouths and noses with cotton cloths saturated with disinfectants and were relieved by other volunteers every hour.

  54. Those who would rush to the aid of the stricken island should send quicklime, chloride of lime, carbolic acid and other disinfectants and stay away themselves.

  55. From what I hear food and disinfectants sufficient for temporary purposes at least are here or on the way.

  56. Disinfectants were used as never before in the world.

  57. Though the position of the tents was changed, and disinfectants used as far as possible, numbers of these new invalids had been hardly with us a couple of days when they were seized by the same infection.

  58. I was always a good helmsman, and I took in hand now the steering of the bark in the storm--and I gave directions to Victor and the carpenter how to mix disinfectants for themselves, and medicines for the sick men.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disinfectants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.