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Example sentences for "disembarking"

Lexicographically close words:
diseases; disegno; disembark; disembarkation; disembarked; disembarrass; disembarrassed; disembodied; disembogues; disembowel
  1. A special inspector shall look carefully over the gratuitous disembarking of the immigrants and their luggage.

  2. Disembarking of all his luggage without anything to pay.

  3. In the meanwhile, Sir Arthur Wellesley had been joined by a part of the promised succours; who, disembarking with difficulty on the dangerous coast, formed a junction with the main body as they marched towards the enemy.

  4. Before quitting the subject, we may notice, that Buonaparte seems not to have entertained the least doubts of success, could he have succeeded in disembarking his army.

  5. We have cleared the beach and driven the Turks out of the scrub at the valley foot, and the work of disembarking men and stores is proceeding.

  6. Disembarking would be difficult and delayed, causing the forces to wait a long time for the unloading of their guns and ammunition.

  7. For the disembarking a harbor is of course the most advantageous; less advantageous but always favorable is an enclosed, protected bay; the most unfavorable is the open coast.

  8. Considering a landing at Tsingtau, it should be noted that there has not been provided a sufficient number of disembarking boats.

  9. The entire disembarking must be made with great speed, for the quicker the landing is accomplished the less the danger of being disturbed.

  10. To investigate all harbor facilities for the disembarking of the troops, and to ascertain the number and size of ships the harbor will admit so as to insure the protection of the land and sea flank.

  11. After the disembarking of the expedition, the further task of the transport fleet and its escort of battleships depends on the maritime strength of the country attacked.

  12. If a seizure of a port is not possible, the landing of the entire expedition must take place by means of prepared disembarking contrivances.

  13. Upon disembarking from the train, the commanding officer of the post appeared to be much surprised at this appearance of additional troops, and asked what was to be done.

  14. Police officers and a few Cossacks kept order among the crowd, and cleared the way both for the passengers who were disembarking and also for those who were embarking on board the Caucasus, minutely examining both classes of travelers.

  15. Michael, almost involuntarily, and he suddenly remembered the look of the old Bohemian at Nijni-Novgorod, his voyage on board the Caucasus, and his disembarking at Kasan.

  16. France, as the King was disembarking at Calais, a man handed him a petition.

  17. One Sometimes Runs Aground When One Fancies That One Is Disembarking VIII.

  18. Officers are disembarking from the upper deck.

  19. It is education that has saved the United States from the consequences of the tide of ignorant misery daily disembarking on the Atlantic shores.

  20. Special arrangements for comfortably disembarking these, the most interesting strangers who visit Walsall, have been made at the railway station.

  21. The nation owes a deep debt of gratitude to the Naval Transport Service and to all concerned in the embarking and disembarking of the Expeditionary Force.

  22. The labor of embarking and disembarking horses was not new to them; and in a few days everything was carried away—some to the island of the Biscaino, and some to the other island in the upper part of the river, to serve in future operations.

  23. While the work preparatory to disembarking was going on, the men were allowed to go ashore to cook their rations and wash their clothes.

  24. Once during Charlie's absence he had come in a rowboat, hailed her from the beach, and gone away without disembarking when she told him Benton was not back.

  25. But one fair glimpse of the disembarking crew turned her back.

  26. Before quitting the subject, we may notice, that Bonaparte seems not to have entertained the least doubts of success, could he have succeeded in disembarking his army.

  27. And once indeed the Russian ships did bombard Varna, but without any attempt at disembarking troops.

  28. For many days past a division has been practicing embarking and disembarking until every officer and every man knew the exact rôle he had to play.

  29. The task of disembarking the siege material was exceedingly arduous, and Amherst, owing to the nature of the ground, was compelled to restrict the siege operations to the western face of the fortress.

  30. Orders were received from the Disembarking Officer, and we disembarked and formed up independently and marched off to Rest Camp No.

  31. I must say that all these disembarking and training arrangements were extraordinarily well done, and reflected great credit on the Allied staffs combined.

  32. Disembarking at Calcutta early in August, unusual military turmoil was in progress.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disembarking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.