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Example sentences for "discouering"

Lexicographically close words:
discords; discouer; discouered; discouerie; discoueries; discouery; discount; discounted; discountenance; discountenanced
  1. Here he doth prosecute the discouering of the New Mexico.

  2. Of the New Mexico, and the discouering thereof, and what they do know of it.

  3. Then approching neere the bed, and holding a torch in his hand, he began fayre and softly to lift vp the shete at the bed's feete, discouering these fayre ladies euen to the knees.

  4. Discouering such wonders to happen this yeere, as neuer chaunced since Noes floud.

  5. The absence of knowledge saves him from moral guilt, but it does not alter the character of the act, considered objectively and in itself; it is yet an unjust aggression, and in the conflict, the life assailed has yet a superior juridic value.

  6. Wherein sundry Propositions are laid downe, plainely discouering the wickednesse of that damnable Art, with diuerse other speciall points annexed, not impertinent to the same, such as ought diligently of euery Christian to be considered.

  7. Discouering how they pretended to bewitch and drowne his Maiestie in the sea comming from Denmarke, with such other wonderfull matters as the like hath not bin heard at anie time.

  8. But least all and the whole glory of discouering the Ocean sea should be ascribed to the Spaniards, the Englishmen about twentie yeeres past, by a new nauigation into Moscouie, discouered the Northeast partes.

  9. We coasted in 6 leagues in length without seeing or discouering any other things, but we saw before vs high land which stretched eight or tenne leagues Northward, where we rode on Munday at night.

  10. Vnto the Spaniards happened the like in discouering the maine of the West Indies.

  11. When therefore we were come to the mouth of the riuer, he made them cast anker, whereupon we stayed without discouering any thing all the rest of the day.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discouering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.