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Example sentences for "discounted"

Lexicographically close words:
discouerie; discoueries; discouering; discouery; discount; discountenance; discountenanced; discountenancing; discounter; discounting
  1. He received me very politely, but he said I should have to repay the landlord his two hundred crowns, as he would not have discounted the bill if he had not seen me bring it.

  2. Overall, the IMF has beneficial accounts, which cannot be discounted so off-handedly.

  3. But the entrenched power of the land gentry was not to be discounted so easily.

  4. On the strength of that policy, which remained in the hands of Pratt, who paid the first premium out of a bill he discounted for Palmer at 60 per cent.

  5. But the optimism of the fire was discounted by the pessimism of the lamp that seemed specially constructed to produce a minimum of light with a maximum of smell--and rank kerosene at that.

  6. Their flexible softness discounted more than a little the deliberation of her eyes; and to-night, her charming attitude to Elton appreciably quickened his interest in her and her tale.

  7. In arriving at these figures, had you discounted the round-to-round dispersion as determined in the bench rest test?

  8. Do you feel on the basis of the aiming error, discounted for round-to-round dispersion or including it, that this weapon is an easy one with which to be accurate, or a difficult one?

  9. You drew the balance at the bank, and discounted over thirty thousand dollars' worth of notes.

  10. At the two Mr. Whippleton had discounted about twelve thousand dollars' worth of the paper.

  11. For the rest, there remains the enormous weakness in Eugenics, that if ordinary men's judgment or liberty is to be discounted in relation to heredity, the judgment of the judges must be discounted in relation to their heredity.

  12. Life is not a spiritual exercise the results of which are discounted in advance; but is actually creative, fashioning and perfecting a good that has never been.

  13. The agencies whose working can be discounted in advance form his secular world; but this world is narrow and meagre, and is overshadowed by a beyond which is both mysterious and terrible.

  14. In all probability the lustre process was so quickly abandoned on the fine painted majolica, because the increasing efforts to make a "picture" were discounted by so uncertain a process.

  15. He has only to take your note to the bank, get it discounted and take the cash.

  16. This, as we had anticipated, was discounted as being out of the question on the heels of the Saint-Mihiel offensive.

  17. The element of risk had been discounted until they no longer considered it at all, except when they were actually within the Rolling R Boundaries.

  18. This was agreed to, and Ahmet continued to give his wife a bean daily--but now with another purpose; he no longer feared the loss of his head, but discounted by degrees the great reward he hoped to receive.

  19. Casey found that the westbound train had already gone, which gave him a full twenty-four hours in Lund, even though he discounted his promise to see the Barrymores through.

  20. Mentally he had deducted twenty-five dollars from the grand total, but before he had that rim straightened he said to himself that he'd be darned if he discounted more than twenty.

  21. The dangers of Republicanism were staved off for the moment by force; the dangers of Romanticism were for ever discounted by payment.

  22. After the scourge of war, the horrors of conscription, and the despotism which had discounted glory, every one seemed to rejoice in the return of the Bourbons, which atoned for humiliations by restoring liberty.

  23. The mirthless smile discounted the words; the cold, avid eyes were busy and suspicious.

  24. Goodwin discounted that; it was no more than the missioner had bidden her to say.

  25. The notes are cancelled and destroyed and the coin is kept in store until it again passes into circulation through exchange for notes still outstanding, or for discounted bills.

  26. In that case the notes are issued in exchange for cash and discounted bills, and notes are returned to the bank in exchange for cash or when discounted bills or notes mature and are paid.

  27. In this case notes are issued in exchange for checks drawn against credit balances on checking accounts or deposited for collection as well as in exchange for discounted notes and bills and cash.

  28. If the interest is paid when the discounted paper matures, the process is technically called a loan.

  29. By the issue of notes is meant their transfer to customers in exchange for cash, for checks left for collection or drawn against a credit balance in a checking account, or for discounted notes and bills.

  30. So long, therefore, as the processes of commerce and industry proceed in a normal fashion, the paper discounted by a bank will be paid at maturity and the credit balance created by means of such discounts offset by corresponding debits.

  31. The third signature on paper discounted by the Bank is, therefore, usually supplied by these institutions, which thus act as an intermediary between the Bank and the commercial world.

  32. Ordinarily the credits created through discounts during a given period, say a day or a week, in favor of one set of customers will be balanced during this same period by the payment of notes previously discounted for other customers.

  33. But her charity was immediately discounted by Mrs. Barton, who said that likely it was pink lining, for Marie's flesh was yellow, and not pink.

  34. On the other hand, the knowledge that you are keeping yourself tolerably immune from the assaults of your enemy is heavily discounted by the fact that the enemy is equally immune from yours.

  35. Futurity enters into the values of all goods which are not destined for immediate consumption--capital values of long-time goods are discounted present worths of future values.

  36. He might deposit that gold, and so reduce his expenses at the bank, either buying back his own discounted paper, or getting interest on daily checking account.

  37. In the case of money, the rental, and the prevailing rate of interest at which rentals are discounted to make a capital value, are not independent variables, but tend to vary together.

  38. And the price of the instrument of production that bears these rents, will be the sum of the rents, discounted at the prevailing rate of interest, with considerations of risk, etc.

  39. Past facts exert their influence through present values; and future facts, which may be expected to modify future values, come into the present equilibrium as discounted present worths.

  40. But it comes into the present as a discounted present worth.

  41. When banks discount bills of exchange, and issue notes, or grant deposit credits, against such discounted bills, the connection of bank-credit and volume of trade is obvious.

  42. The American money market is par excellence a New York market, and the primary type of paper discounted in the American money market is stock exchange paper, and foreign bills of exchange.

  43. Several of the banks issue paper notes payable in Mexican dollars, but they are discounted in the various cities so that a traveler's currency is always undergoing a shave.

  44. I found in China that the notes issued by a bank in one city would be discounted when presented at a branch of the same bank in another city.

  45. The War Office certainly discounted the estimates that it got from the Ministry of Munitions.

  46. The Ministry of Munitions, one can well imagine, discounted the estimates that they got from their manufacturing establishments.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discounted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.