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Example sentences for "disadvantages"

Lexicographically close words:
disaccord; disadvantage; disadvantaged; disadvantageous; disadvantageously; disaffected; disaffection; disaggregation; disagreable; disagree
  1. This delusion of pride was, from the first, fatal to domestic happiness; for the convents had all the disadvantages of other boarding schools.

  2. Not to divine the desire of a wife, to snore while she lies awake, to be in Siberia when she is in the tropics, these are the slighter disadvantages of twin beds.

  3. Now, consider the different courses open to you with the advantages and disadvantages of each.

  4. If the material of which the loophole is constructed presents hard surfaces, the throat should be outside, notwithstanding the disadvantages of that position, or else the sides must be stepped as in Fig.

  5. Starting at night or at an hour that will cause a part of the march to be made at night, should, if possible, be avoided, because of the difficulties and disadvantages of night marching.

  6. The following illustrations will suggest other examples of the employment of the ocular demonstration method of instruction: =The advantages and disadvantages of close and extended order.

  7. One of the disadvantages of emigration is the separation of friends for ever.

  8. Public vows do not cease from intrinsic causes, for this would be productive of many disadvantages to religious communities and to those who take vows in them.

  9. In comparing the advantages and disadvantages of war, one should take into consideration, not only the losses oneself will suffer, but also the losses that will be suffered by others.

  10. However it must be determined whether there is a reasonable proportion between these two effects and whether the advantages of the one effect compensate for the disadvantages of the other.

  11. The disadvantages appear to me to be innumerable.

  12. And in the past, when clothing was less perfect and firing a casual commodity, the disadvantages of losing hair were all the greater.

  13. He sustains to the fullest degree all the economic disadvantages we have previously enumerated--the last extreme of wasteful purchase, the lowest stage of industrial exchange.

  14. The introduction of machinery has brought its train of needless disadvantages as well as its essential advantages.

  15. What, it may now be asked, is to be done to counteract these disadvantages and dangers?

  16. Many of the disadvantages noted do not apply to large households.

  17. In the meantime one can only suggest that mistresses must endeavour individually to mitigate some of the disadvantages of domestic service.

  18. The aim of this book is to make the boy acquainted with each element, so that he may understand why it is made in that special way, and what the advantages and disadvantages are of the different types.

  19. Its disadvantages are dissensions among themselves, oppression to the lower orders.

  20. Its disadvantages are dissensions, the delay and disclosure of public counsels, the imbecility of public measures, retarded by the necessity of a numerous consent.

  21. Its disadvantages are tyranny, expense, ignorance of the situation and wants of the people, insecurity, unnecessary wars, evils attending elections or successions.

  22. The wise Providence has amply compensated the Disadvantages of the Poor and Indigent, in wanting many of the Conveniencies of this Life, by a more abundant Provision for their Happiness in the next.

  23. Examination and reëxamination must be accompanied by explanation of the serious disadvantages of neglected teeth, and the physical, social, and economic advantages of clean, sound teeth.

  24. To all these disadvantages must be added, the plunder and misery sustained by the duchy during the march of Buonaparte's numerous forces from the Vistula to the Niemen.

  25. Hair-trigger Overton and the General give themselves up to a heartfelt study of what advantages and disadvantages are presented by the situation.

  26. The General is alert, inquisitive; he is studying the strategic advantages and disadvantages of the place.

  27. Between his desire for the advantages of the one with its attendant disadvantages of government interference in its prosecution, and the freedom of commerce from undue restrictions, Mr. Gallatin did not hesitate.

  28. Nor again is it conceivable that B and C by uniting together could in fairness claim to impose upon A disadvantages the burden of which he had never intended to accept.

  29. In short, under all the disadvantages of slavery the race showed certain fine traits, qualities of humor and good humor, and capacity for devotion, which were abundantly testified to by southerners during the progress of the Civil War.

  30. So long, however, as the state of nature endures, no disadvantages flow from the natural inequalities.

  31. These were the disadvantages under which they labored; and how serious such disadvantages are, only those know who have felt the cruel tyranny of prejudice.

  32. Sumner endeavored, by every method they could devise, to awaken in Sheridan a consciousness of those powers which, under all the disadvantages of indolence and carelessness, it was manifest to them that he possessed.

  33. He had, indeed, many difficulties and disadvantages to encounter, of which his own previous reputation was not the least.

  34. Most of the agencies that have tried foreign-speaking visitors feel that in spite of these disadvantages it is a gain to the agency to have such visitors on the staff.

  35. In his whole career, however, he displayed independence and spirit in overcoming the disadvantages of his early life, as well as gratitude to those who had served him.

  36. Western storekeepers are seldom characterized by superfluous civility, and there are disadvantages attached to a life in a country so free that, according to one of its sayings, any man who cannot purchase boots may always walk barefooted.

  37. There are disadvantages attached to the prairie custom of free hospitality, and I surmised that Henderson's stock riders might have pushed on to the next homestead if they had not known that we kept a good table at Gaspard's Trail.

  38. Even the gopher has its uses, for without some small disadvantages the fame of your prosperity would bring out all Europe here.

  39. For ourselves, we would even say that if his researches are truly valuable, he is himself all the more a man of science in proportion to the difficulties or disadvantages by which his position in life may be surrounded.

  40. Each type has certain disadvantages and certain advantages.

  41. If the advantages and disadvantages are closely balanced, I expect you to say so.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disadvantages" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.