This lady brought in hir right hond 3705 Of brenning fyr a blasing brond; Wherof the flawme and hote fyr Hath many a lady in desyr Of love brought, and sore het, And in hir servise hir hertes set.
I praye yow fynd the menys that my Lord have some resonable meane profyrd, so that he and my Lady may undyrstand that ye desyr to have hys good lordshep.
And as for my ffaders tombe, I charge yow se it yowr selffe, and when I speke with yow I woll tell yow the cawses why that I desyr thys to be doon.
Thus am I with desyr and reson twight; Desyr for to distourben hir me redeth, And reson nil not, so myn herte dredeth.
Why lystow in this wyse, Sin thy desyral holly hastow had, 395 So that, by right, it oughte y-now suffyse?
In whiche desyr it may lightly ben shewed how gret is the strengthe of nature; for how so that men han diverse 85 sentences and discordinge, algates men acorden alle in lovinge the ende of good.
Ther-to desyr so brenningly me assaylleth, That to ben slayn it were a gretter Ioye To me than king of Grece been and Troye!
That litel witen folk what is to yerne That they ne finde in hir desyr offence; For cloud of errour lat hem not descerne 200 What best is; and lo, here ensample as yerne.
But Troilus, though as the fyr he brende 425 For sharp desyr of hope and of plesaunce, He not for-gat his gode governaunce.
Till his desyr the lordis grantis thair; 1520 Rycht at his will thai haiff consentit haill; For nakyn thing the pees thai wald nocht faill.
Lang wss in wer gert thaim desyr thair will, “Quhilk brocht Charlis to fellon loss and ill.
Tythingis was brocht off Wallace to the king; So gret desyr he had off na kyn thing, As in that tym quhill he had seyn Wallace.
The rage off youth gert me desyr a wyff; 1355 “That rewit I sayr, and will do all my liff.
To thar desyr Wallace nane ansuer yald; Quhar fyve was ded he led thaim furth, syn tauld.
All Inglissmen said, at his desyr was rycht; 1335 To Wallace than he rakyt in thar sicht.
Than commound thai off mony syndry thing; To spek with him gret desyr had the king.
With my gud will I wyll no lemman be “To no man born, tharfor me think suld yhe “Desyr me nocht bot intill gudlynes.
Please yow to wete that I have sent to my cosyn Barney, acordyng to your desyr in the letter that ye deed wright on Relec Sonday to me, wheropon he hathe wreten a letter to yow and anothyr bylle to me, the wyche I send yow.
Trewly, litel con[ne] they on philosophy, or els on my lore, that any desyr haven suche 100 lightinge planettes in that wyse any more to shewe.
But than, although thou be thretened in dethe or els in otherwyse, yet is it in thyn arbitrement to chose, thy love to voyde or els to holde; and thilke arbitrement is in a maner a jugement bytwene desyr and thy 30 herte.
Right so it is in propertee of my servauntes, that they ben more affiched in steringe of litel thinge in his desyr than of mokel other mater lasse in his conscience.
For my greet lusty desyr was of this lady to ben 80 enfourmed, my leudenesse to amende.
More soverain 25 desyr hath every wight in litel heringe of hevenly conninge than of mokel material purposes in erthe.
For my desyr is neither more nor lesse 305 But my servyce to do, for your plesaunce, In eschewing al maner doublenesse, To make two joyes in stede of oo grevaunce!
But vertue may thee nothing 20 profyte, but thy desyrbe perfourmed, and al thy sorowes cesed.
With right good wil, my fair doughter,' quod she, 500 'Sith your desyr is good and debonair.
And therfore I say, thou might wel truste to come to thy blisse, sithen thy ginninge hath ben hard, but ever graciously after thy hertes desyr hath proceded.
This 115 affeccion of good service in good love may not ben grounded, without fervent desyr to the thing in wil coveited.
Thus am I with desyr and reson twight; Desyr for to destourben hir me redeth, And reson nil not, so myn herte dredeth.
Trewe is thy sentence, That litel witen folk what is to yerne That they ne finde in hir desyr offence; For cloud of errour let hem not descerne 200 What best is; and lo, here ensample as yerne.
I seyd to hem, as for seche servys as they had do to zw and to me, I desyr no mor that thei xuld do nother to zw ner to me.
Inner Temple, for ther ben many qwych sor desyr your presence, Welles and othyr, &c.
Eke whan he useth his wyf, withouten sovereyn desyr of engendrure, to the honour of god, or for the entente to yelde to his wyf the dette of his body.
Here may ye seen that nat only the dede of this sinne is forboden, but eek the desyr to doon that sinne.
Thou lyknest it also to wilde fyr; The more it brenneth, the more it hath desyr To consume every thing that brent wol be.
Prudence, 'how lightly is every man enclyned to his owene desyr and to his owene plesaunce!
God woot, desyrto have commendacion of the peple hath caused deeth to many a bisy man.
Espirituel marchandyse is proprely Symonye, that is, ententif desyr to byen thing espirituel, that is, thing that aperteneth to the seintuarie of god and to cure of the soule.
Fer worthyar of byrth than I was born, Throuch my desyr wyth hungyr ar forlorn: I ask at God thaim to restor agayn; I am the causs, I suld haiff all the pain.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "desyr" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.