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Example sentences for "despotisms"

Lexicographically close words:
despotical; despotically; despotick; despotism; despotisme; despots; despues; despyse; despyt; desquamation
  1. Thus began the development of modern individuality in the despotisms of the Italian Renaissance.

  2. The peoples saw in it only the suppression of the religious and political despotisms and hierarchies under which they had so often suffered.

  3. We cannot fairly talk of despotisms or of democracies as though they were absolutely distinct types of government to be contrasted offhand with each other or with other types.

  4. That of the 9th and 10th Thermidor, though glorious for the republic, as it overthrew one of the most horrid and cruel despotisms that ever raged, was nevertheless marked with many circumstances of severe and continued retaliation.

  5. There were, if I may so express it, a thousand despotisms to be reformed in France, which had grown up under the hereditary despotism of the monarchy, and became so rooted as to be in a great measure independent of it.

  6. Despotisms are never built out of that material.

  7. We are aristocrats under protest, who must go abroad to indulge our tastes, and enjoy in foreign despotisms the customs which the genius of a Republic condemns.

  8. Thirty-six despotisms make a pretty good sized one taken in the aggregate.

  9. Would you be willing to admit, gentlemen, that women know less, have less virtue, less pride and dignity of character under Republican institutions than in the despotisms and monarchies of the old world?

  10. He struck down a hundred petty despotisms that he might exalt a single despotism in their place.

  11. On the other hand it is impossible to prove that the despotisms of the fifteenth century were necessary to the perfecting of art and literature.

  12. The Despotisms imply the Communes as their predecessors.

  13. Under the Italian despotisms we observe nearly the opposite of all the influences brought to bear in the same period upon the nations of the North.

  14. It may here be noticed that the dismemberment of Italian despotisms among joint-heirs was a not unfrequent source of disturbance and a cause of weakness to their dynasties.

  15. The fourth chapter of the Principe is devoted to a parallel between Monarchies and Despotisms which is chiefly interesting as showing that Machiavelli appreciated the stability of kingdoms based upon feudal foundations.

  16. The first relates to the growth of the Communes, which preceded, necessitated, and determined the despotisms of the fifteenth century.

  17. This, so very largely developed in Egypt and India, where the principle of caste obtains, is very little developed in the despotisms of Asia.

  18. We need only glance at those kingdoms in which something analogous is to be found, especially the despotisms of the east,(528) to divine that such a system does not suffice to insure the real productiveness of a nation’s economy.

  19. Lafayette presents himself; he is known only by reason of his love of liberty; his life is a series of combats against despotisms of every sort; he has {235} sacrificed his life and fortune to the Revolution.

  20. Was not the first of all despotisms the very one to be shaken off?

  21. As far back as 1255 the people of Reggio destroyed the castle; nor did the nobles of Canossa distinguish themselves in subsequent history among those families who based their despotisms on the débris of the Imperial power in Lombardy.

  22. The castles were becoming courts, and despotisms won by force were settling into dynasties.

  23. Spain, from the earliest historical periods, had ever been the victim of foreign colonial despotisms or imported tyrants until Philip II.

  24. As a matter of fact, however, it is not fair to the King of Egypt that we should compare his rule with ours in India, and it is probable that his government is not on the whole worse than Eastern despotisms always are.

  25. As the memory of the old liberties of Rome died out, a nearer approach was made to the ostentatious despotisms of the East.

  26. All the despotisms have had it for their servant.

  27. All despotisms but that exercised by themselves seem odious.

  28. It is even a greater absurdity to suppose a man can be legally born a slave under our free Republican Government, than under the petty despotisms of barbarian Africa.

  29. They knew that in the despotisms of the old world it was a disgrace to be useful.

  30. They were three thousand miles away from the despotisms of the old world, and every wave of the sea was an assistant to them.

  31. The Smaller Despotisms It may be said in general of the despotisms of the fifteenth century that the greatest crimes are most frequent in the smallest States.

  32. Despots of the Fifteenth Century The despotisms of the fifteenth century show an altered character.

  33. The private man, indifferent to politics, and busied partly with serious pursuits, partly with the interests of a dilettante, seems to have been first fully formed in these despotisms of the fourteenth century.

  34. As despotisms rise, grow, and are consolidated, so grows in their midst the hidden element which must produce their dissolution and ruin.

  35. The better and nobler features of the Italian despotisms are not to be found among the princes of this line; all that they possessed of the art and culture of their time served the purpose of luxury or display.

  36. The legislation of the Slave States for the suppression of the freedom of speech and the press, is disgraceful and cowardly to the last degree, and can find its parallel only in the meanest and bloodiest despotisms of the Old World.

  37. And would not all the despotisms of the ancient and modern world have vanished into air, if the natural equality of mankind had been properly understood and practiced?

  38. They knew that in the despotisms of the Old World it was a disgrace to be useful.

  39. In despotisms there is more quiet than in republics; at the hot equator there is a more even rate of the barometer than in the zones of four seasons.

  40. Even so is there in monarchies freedom enough, although in despotisms there may be still more of it than in them or in republics.

  41. When the climax came it was comparatively sudden, and it may be that the breaking of the chains of moral and spiritual despotisms will likewise be a shorter struggle than now seems possible.

  42. The overthrow of European despotisms was followed by innumerable internal revolutions.

  43. Spiritual despotisms and religious superstitions never did and never will eventuate in a capacity for democracy.

  44. Then will the people become great, after the conflicts of generations, and put under their feet the mockeries and lies and despotisms which grind them to despair.

  45. Other despotisms there have been, but none whose origin was so grimly fantastic in its baseness, and the beginning of whose end was so gruesomely ignoble.

  46. Oriental despotisms belong to the history of mankind; they have left their trace on our minds and our imagination by their splendour, by their culture, by their art, by the exploits of great conquerors.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "despotisms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.