The aspect of affairs was so serious that Alexius, the Emperor, fled with a treasure of some ten thousand pounds to an obscure Thracian harbour, basely deserting his wife and people.
Milosh Kabilovitch, a Servian knight, dashed out from among the hard-pressed chivalry and galloped forth as if deserting from the Servian ranks.
The number deserting was quite serious, for besides the usual reasons for leaving a distasteful service, the troops were alarmed by the prospect of real fighting, and the sombre monotony of the deserts that had to be crossed disheartened them.
Rather is he deserting you to whom you sold yourself," retorted Jean.
The citizens had marshalled in the square, and the soldiers, deserting the town, had taken refuge in the castle.
Hampton jerked a chair up to the opposite side of the small table, and planted himself on it, his eyes never once deserting the big gambler's face.
Just then we heard the cocks begin to crow, as though to reproach us for deserting them.
Now that they have only the Shinros in the city, with the army out there searching for the Croen--and maybe the most of it deserting to some rendezvous the prince sent them word about--they will do nothing unless they must.
I don't know whether we are lost, or, whether the prince has joined us, deserting the Jivros in the city you Zervs built.
The men were invariably raised by conscription, and instances have occurred of their deserting by companies.
The forces of Mangkubúmi were sometimes reduced to a few hundred, and at other times amounted to as many thousands, the chiefs and people deserting him in his distress, and flocking to him in his prosperity.
At first, such a baby could do little more than sit with him, deserting her livelier place by the high fender, and quietly watching him.
General Joffre replied with the historic phrase: 'You are deserting us on the field of battle and we shall have to tell the world.
It was her memory, not her oblivion, that, like Antony, vas forgetting and deserting her.
Without ever deserting the realism upon which he builds his foundations he raises upon it his house of romance.
It is possible for Realism to be as eloquent and potential as Romance, although it cannot so easily achieve eloquence because of its fear of deserting truth.
He "yields to circumstances, to reason, and thinks he can make concessions for the sake of peace, without deserting the principles which he has made the ground of his morality and conduct.
He served France more in deserting Louis XVI than those who remained faithful; and his successive desertion of the Directors, Napoleon, and Charles X needs no defence.
They had no arms, no officers, no discipline, no organization of any kind; what was more, the men were deserting in all directions.
Charles, whose ambition was roused by his sudden and unexpected elevation, exerted all his energies to thwart the progress of negotiations, and bitterly complained that the allies were dishonorably deserting the cause which they had espoused.
At this moment some traitors deserting the camp of Ottocar, repaired to the camp of Rhodolph and proposed to assassinate the Bohemian king.
Don Pedro, whose nervous system had received a violent shock from the first revelation, felt his reasondeserting him.
The number of his enemies increased with every minute; his own strength and energy were gradually deserting him.
In the meantime, Don Torribio felt his strength graduallydeserting him.
You're going to be pinched as soon as you land in Hong Kong for deserting your ship at Shanghai.
D'Estaing refused to give further aid; thus again deserting the Americans when help was most needed.
The Army of the Potomac had been checked at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and at one time two hundred soldiers per day were deserting its ranks.
He carried out instructions to the letter, and was chaffed mildly for deserting the place just as his friends were getting to like him.
If he went to Bison, he wasdeserting Nancy in the hour of her utmost need.
If he went to Newport, he would be deserting his mother, who was perhaps dying.
This careful arrangement was kept up all winter, but Tullidge says that no spies were necessary, as deserting soldiers and teamsters from the federal camp kept coming into the valley with information.
He was, however, intercepted by his friends, and induced to abandon his project, being chided with cowardice and with deserting his people.
They recollected the Count of Clermont at the Battle of the Herrings, and they suspected the King's men of deserting them once again.
At the end of April there were four thousand English before Orléans and perhaps less, for, as it was said, soldiers were deserting every day; and companies of these deserters went plundering through the villages.
No, Velo had no intention of deserting his dear cousin.
No, the night had been too dark, but instinct told him that here was the deserting mountaineer.
The rest of the party, deserting their posts, had already gone to drive back our assailants.
Twisting his shillelah from his hands, and snatching the reins, I was in a moment in the saddle; but I had no intention of deserting my uncle.
Do you think, uncle, that William Waldorf Astor's deserting this country, and joining England, is going to cause this country to fail up in business?
Why, boy, his deserting his country will have about as much effect as it would for that man working in the street to pack up his household goods and move to Indiana.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deserting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.