There were desertions at Mujeres and Contoy which reduced the force to five hundred and twenty-one.
In vain the leaders tried to put heart into their forces, and desertions became alarmingly common.
As a result of his observations, Mr. Myers feels sure that the majority of first desertions take place somewhere from the third to the fifth year after marriage.
But the fact remains that no marked change has been seen in the desertion rate, that successive desertions have not been prevented in individual cases.
The number of subsequent desertionsmay be both interesting and significant, but the circumstances attending them are not nearly so well worth study as are those connected with the critical first break.
It was formerly the belief of students of family desertion that the best way to preventdesertions was to punish them quickly and severely.
Some desertions brought about by financial difficulties are not, strictly speaking, marital problems at all.
The people had grown tired of the war, and desertions from the Confederate army were much more numerous than the voluntary accessions.
Then, too, desertions were taking place, not only among those who were with General Lee in the neighborhood of their capital, but throughout the whole Confederacy.
It was my belief that while the enemy could get no more recruits they were losing at least a regiment a day, taking it throughout the entire army, by desertions alone.
Desertions were so numerous that Gonzalo was forced to give up the hope of defending Lima and retreated toward Arequipa.
No help arrived from Clinton, the desertions were numerous, and, realizing his desperate situation, Burgoyne determined to drive the Americans from their position on the left and then retreat to Canada.
Many lost heart, and the desertions were so numerous that it looked as if the whole army would crumble to pieces.
The leaders on either side gave the word for the advance; but the humane President, anxious to spare the shedding of blood, ordered his men to halt, since the rebel host from its frequent desertionswas evidently falling to pieces.
Desertions from the troops along our front became very frequent, and the statements made by these men tended to arouse the apprehension of the commanding officers lest the enemy should elude our grasp.
The desertions had become so terrible in their frequency it was absolutely necessary to make examples of some of these men.
Desertions from the army became appalling--the number reached frequently as high as two hundred a day and the aggregate over eight thousand a month.
Again an epidemic of desertions broke out and ten thousand men were lost in a single month.
Reports of deserters and citizens show the army of Bragg to be too much demoralized and reduced by desertions to do anything this winter.
But there were more serious embarrassments on the south side, and desertions were becoming more numerous from day to day.
It appears that the number ofdesertions has diminished, but that during the last fiscal year they numbered 2,927; and one instance is given by the Lieutenant-General of six desertions by the same recruit.
I am convinced that this number of desertions can be much diminished by better discipline and treatment; but the punishment should be increased for repeated offenses.
These desertionsmight also be reduced by lessening the term of first enlistments, thus allowing a discontented recruit to contemplate a nearer discharge and the Army a profitable riddance.
The punishment-cells were overcrowded night and day, and abortive desertions occurred with extraordinary frequency.
In those days, it was impossible to prevent desertions on these coasts, although the sentries on board had their rifles loaded with ball cartridge.
I certainly do not know that Mr. Vallandigham has specifically and by direct language advised against enlistments and in favor of desertions and resistance to drafting.
Long experience has shown that armies cannot be maintained unless desertions shall be punished by the severe penalty of death.
Unable to prevent these desertions by the inducements of profit, they had resorted to a system of secret intimidation and menace which unquestionably had its influence over many.
If I knew that the Beloved were only gone away for trial, and further humiliation, and not smoked out of the house with new provocations, I would forgive desertions and hold my peace at His absence.
But the weather was bitter, the snow lay thick in the passes, sentinels were frozen at the outposts, and a curious stream of desertions began.
It will be necessary to remark here that fully one hundred per cent of our desertions occurred while at New Haven, and during the organization of the regiment very few desertions occurred after we left the State.
Desertions were still frequent, but the difficulty of escape was greater than before; the peasants often put to death the fugitives; and always stripped and plundered them of everything they had.
According to the, rules of the mountain, not even a Bitwaddad could pass the gate without permission from the Ras, and since desertions had taken place the permission was no more granted.
The French, weakened by desertions and discouraged by defeats, offered little resistance; on September 8 articles of capitulation were signed and the struggle for New France was practically ended.
Washington's position was endangered and the situation was made doubly precarious by the fact that his army was being depleted by desertions and by the termination of enlistments.
I had been repeatedly apprised by the military authorities that nothing could be done with our troops; and I regret to add that desertions to the enemy were becoming of frequent occurrence among our troops.
I had been repeatedly apprised by the military authorities that nothing could be done with our troops; and I regret to add that desertions to the enemy were becoming of frequent occurrence amongst our troops.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "desertions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.