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Example sentences for "little delay"

  • His instructions pressed him to proceed to his new field of duty with as little delay as was consistent with the safety and interests of his previous command.

  • You are, therefore, requested to inform me with as little delay as possible, as to the condition of your troops and their ability to make the marches and undergo the fatigues necessary to accomplish a successful evacuation.

  • With as little delay as possible after the horrible discovery, I returned to camp, had boxes made, and next day buried the bodies of these hapless victims of misdirected vengeance.

  • Grummer, procure assistance, and execute these warrants with as little delay as possible.

  • You must make yourself, with as little delay as possible, master of Arabella's one thousand pounds.

  • With as little delay as possible a company of cavalry, composed of choice young men from his congregation, was promptly raised.

  • Actuated by urgent patriotic motives, he induced William Barnett, of Mecklenburg county, to raise, with as little delay as possible, a troop of horsemen.

  • Notwithstanding all her maiden modesty, I think she’d be devilish glad to get married out of hand with as little delay as possible.

  • A little delay occurred in obtaining a light; but at length she found a candle and matches in a cupboard at the end of the passage.

  • Were it not for the fact that you are here, and must be restored to your friends with as little delay as may be, I could be well content to end my days here on this unknown island, alone and forgotten by all.

  • Directly there was no longer room for doubt that her union with Perigal would, in the fulness of time, bear fruit, she wrote telling him her news, and begging him to see her with as little delay as possible.

  • She had some thought of taking the Tube, and looking about her in the direction of Hammersmith, but her one thought now was to get indoors with as little delay as possible.

  • It was, also, then she realised that her very life depended upon the continuance of Perigal's love: she had no doubt that he would marry her with as little delay as possible.

  • She resolved to get back to her lodging with as little delay as possible.

  • There is no time to lose, but everything must be passed into the boat with as little delay as possible.

  • As soon as one cask was ready, it was carried on deck by the gentlemen, and was struck into the boat with as little delay as possible.

  • Kate was an unmarried woman with a very small fortune, and therefore, of course, was desirous of being married with as little delay as possible.

  • It was Mr Palliser's purpose to take his wife down to Matching with as little delay as possible.

  • He, therefore, resolved to continue where he was, making every exertion to collect a sufficient force with as little delay as possible.

  • As soon as Lord Lindsay returned to Edinburgh, and notified the success of his mission, it was determined by Morton and his associates that the Prince should be crowned with as little delay as possible.

  • He was now resolved that his marriage should be consummated with as little delay as possible, having wrung a consent to it from the unfortunate Queen, by means of which, it is impossible to think without shuddering.

  • I then offered to accompany him as far as La Concordia, so that if Don Frederico happened to be out, I could have him sent for with as little delay as possible.

  • Work was resumed with as little delay as possible, and when the tropero announced it was time to stop one hundred and sixty bullocks had been parted.

  • After a little delay at the post, the flag dropped to a good start.

  • I've a letter to deliver to the skipper from his owners, and it must be in his possession with as little delay as possible.

  • It is of the utmost importance to us that we should find him with as little delay as possible.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "little delay" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    common ground; large school; little apart; little astonished; little behind; little boat; little breathlessly; little celery; little cinnamon; little comfort; little cottage; little curved; little delay; little doll; little ground; little higher; little iron; little people; little present; little silver; little song; little speech; little sweet; little tour; little vanilla; little worth