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Example sentences for "decanted"

Lexicographically close words:
decamping; decanal; decani; decant; decantation; decanter; decanters; decanting; decapitate; decapitated
  1. The supernatant, clear wash-water is then decanted through the filter, so far as practicable without disturbing the precipitate, and a new portion of wash-water is added.

  2. The alcohol is decanted and drained off, after which the litmus is extracted with hot water until exhausted.

  3. The liquid is decanted into a second capsule, the remaining residue washed with a little acidulated water, and the washings likewise added to the principal solution.

  4. The ethereal solutions are next decanted and united, and then submitted to the examination for alkaloids as directed pp.

  5. The ether is next decanted and allowed to spontaneously evaporate in a dry place at a very low temperature, and the ammonia possibly present is then removed by placing the vessel containing the residue over sulphuric acid.

  6. Whichever process has been employed, the fused mass is decanted into a porcelain crucible, which has previously been heated in order to avoid danger of breakage.

  7. If potassa is then added to the solution, it combines with the bromine and, upon evaporating the decanted fluid, calcining the residue, and treating it with water, a solution of bromide of potassium is obtained.

  8. The remaining portion of the washings, after being decanted from the residue of amylaceous matter, is filtered and evaporated until a yellowish translucent pellicle appears upon its surface.

  9. After ten minutes contact, the ether is decanted and allowed to spontaneously evaporate.

  10. The alcoholic solution is decanted and allowed to evaporate in vacuo or in the air: the alkaloid now crystallizes out in a state suitable for further examination.

  11. This acid, after standing a sufficient time, was decanted off, and filtered.

  12. When these had stood in a retort twenty-four hours, the liquor was decanted off, and four ounces of nitric acid were poured upon the little matter that was not dissolved.

  13. The solution was then decanted off, and filtered, and six pounds of new muriatic acid poured on the undissolved iron.

  14. She decanted a saucerful of the re-enforced tea and raised it to her pursed lips.

  15. It was only as I decanted a second bottle of beer for the woman that she seemed to regain consciousness of her surroundings.

  16. When it is all fallen, gently decant the clear liquor, and pour a few drops of this decanted solution of Silver into the aqua fortis which you want to purify.

  17. Lastly, having decanted the Aqua regis from the Silver, wash the Silver with a little Spirit of Salt weakened with water, and add this Spirit of Salt to the Aqua regis in which your Gold is dissolved.

  18. When this solution, which Mr. Hellot calls the Impregnation, is thoroughly clarified by being decanted three or four times, he puts it into a glass bason with two ounces of very pure Sea-salt.

  19. The potash being then saturated with dilute sulphuric acid, the creosote becomes free, when it may be decanted or syphoned off and distilled.

  20. The supernatant liquid thus freed from narcotine being decanted off, is to be treated with caustic ammonia; and the precipitate thrown upon a filter.

  21. When the liquor has taken its utmost depth of colour, it is allowed to settle, and the clear portion is decanted off into well glazed earthen vessels.

  22. After settling, the supernatant liquid is decanted off into large cylindrical glass vessels, the residuum is washed, and the washing is also decanted off.

  23. The eupione floats upon the surface of that solution, and may be decanted off.

  24. The myricine separates, while the cerine remains dissolved, and may be obtained from the decanted liquor by evaporation.

  25. After about two hours of moderate ebullition, the liquid is set aside to settle, decanted off the precipitate, which is washed and dried.

  26. When the action is over, the supernatant liquid is to be decanted off the peroxidized tin, which is to be washed with very dilute nitric acid, and both liquors are to be evaporated to dissipate the acid excess.

  27. To obviate this inconvenience, each of the above liquors is to be decanted apart, after they have become perfectly settled, and the clear portion of both mixed together in equal parts.

  28. The whole liquors which have been successively digested and decanted off, are to be filtered and treated with common salt, to precipitate the silver in the state of a chloride.

  29. The clear supernatant liquor is then decanted off.

  30. For making this pigment, the liquor is usually employed which is decanted from the carmine process.

  31. If the power of giving a shock is in the water contained in the phial, it should remain there though decanted into another phial, since no non-electric body touched it to take that power off.

  32. Why will he have the phial, into which the, water is to be decanted from a charged phial, held in a man's hand?

  33. The bees'-wax is then decanted into a receiver, and is ready for use.

  34. It is then allowed to stand a short time, and is then decanted into another vessel provided with a steam-pipe to emit free steam; about 20 lbs.

  35. The matters are allowed to stand for a short time, and are then decanted into another vessel, and again boiled up with free steam, and treated with a like quantity of diluted sulphuric acid.

  36. After the necessary quantity of lime has been added, the solution is allowed to stand, and is then decanted off and evaporated in cast or wrought iron boilers, or in silver pans if a perfectly pure product is required.

  37. If you are not decanted off from yourself every few days or weeks, you will think it sacrilege to brush a cobweb from your cork by and by.

  38. The latter is decanted off and brought into a rectifying vessel--a copper still, heated by steam, and provided with a cooling pipe.

  39. Solutions were obtained by occasionally agitating this salt with water in the proportion of 2 ounces to a pint of the fluid, for four days; being then decanted and filtered, they had a sweetish taste.

  40. The infusion is to be evaporated to one half or one third its first bulk, poured into a jar, allowed to settle, and the clear red fluid decanted and preserved in bottles.

  41. When we marched out to our training area, later in the day, infant schools were decanted on to the road under a beaming vicar, to utter what we took to be patriotic sounds and wave handkerchiefs.

  42. Once you have got your company safely decanted from column of platoons into column of route, your labours are at an end.

  43. At the end of twelve hours, having decanted off the clear liquor, wash the sulphat of lime in cold water, which add to the decanted liquor, then evaporate the whole, and the tartarous acid is obtained in a concrete form.

  44. The filtrate is added to the decanted fluid, and precipitated with a slight excess of acetate of lime--this precipitate, like the first, being collected on a filter.

  45. The ether is decanted as completely as possible.

  46. The flask containing this fluid is put on one side in a warm place, and the clear fluid decanted from the insoluble chloride.

  47. It is lastly decanted and filtered, a little sugar is added, and the liquid made up to 2 pints.

  48. Two or three days afterwards the clear liquor is decanted off, by means of a syphon, and the precipitate drained upon a linen filter.

  49. A clear decanted solution of 8 parts wood tar in 92 parts common kienoel (ol.

  50. The paraffin and fuller's earth are to be well agitated together, and when the latter has fallen down the clear paraffin is decanted from it.

  51. The decanted liquor yields more carmine by standing in fresh vessels.

  52. The bottle is shaken daily for a week, and the clear liquid, after 5 or 6 days' repose, decanted into another bottle.

  53. Now add to the partially washed precipitate about a gram of pure caustic potash (or soda), warm, and pass the solution through the same filter employed for the previously decanted fluids.

  54. Alexandrian senna and the ginger; the whole must now be well agitated together, and allowed to stand for a week, when the clear portion must be carefully decanted into bottles (Winchester quarts) for sale.

  55. At the end of the time the essence is decanted and filtered.

  56. The solution, decanted from the iron and mercury, is then placed in a retort and distilled; the acid coming over at a gentle heat.

  57. His apothecary becoming suspicious that the wine he had drank might be the cause of the disease, ordered the bottle from which the wine had been decanted to be brought to him, with a view that he might examine the dregs, if any were left.

  58. The Greeks and Romans put gypsum in their new wines, stirred it often round, then let it stand for some time; and when it had settled, decanted the clear liquor.

  59. It is then immediately decanted into a large flask, and heated over the water-bath.

  60. The metallic oxides are allowed to subside, and the above solution decanted off into another porcelain vessel.

  61. After 24 hours' repose the clear supernatant oil is decanted from the soapy sediment, and filtered.

  62. The operation is performed in a closed vessel placed in a water bath, and frequent agitation is employed for 3 or 4 days, when the perfumed spirit is decanted into a second digester, containing a like quantity of oil to the first.

  63. The oil is then obtained from the cotton cloth by powerful pressure, and is placed aside in bottles to settle, ready to be decanted into others for sale.

  64. The liquid is decanted from the residue, which is washed with hydrochloric acid and hot water, then boiled with aqua regia until the insoluble matter is white.

  65. When this point is arrived at, the fused nitrate is allowed to cool, when it is redissolved in water, filtered or decanted from the insoluble black oxide of copper, and evaporated in the usual way.

  66. The supernatant fluid being decanted from the deposit, about an equal bulk of liquor potassae is added to the latter, when one of three results will ensue: 1.

  67. The decanted acid solution from pure tin leaves no residuum on evaporation.

  68. This consists of a pale oil copal varnish, diluted with about 6 times its volume of oil of turpentine, the mixture being subsequently agitated with about 1-30th part of dry slaked lime, and decanted after a few days' repose.

  69. The liquid is then gently heated, to expel the excess of sulphuretted hydrogen, and either decanted or filtered.

  70. Another two ounces of spirit should be added to the paper, and, after thoroughly soaking, should be decanted off, and added to the other spirit.

  71. The oxide should be allowed to settle, the supernatant fluid be decanted off (a syphon arrangement is very convenient), and fresh distilled water added to it.

  72. When the solids have settled, the clear liquid can be decanted off, and corked up till required.

  73. This, in its turn, after the oxide has been well stirred, should be decanted off.

  74. This will dissolve out most of the chloride, and should be decanted off.

  75. To decline the bribe was of no avail: the deputation decanted them upon the floor of the hall and retired, and the lobsters spread themselves at large over the house, and to this hour remain the nightmare of the nursery.

  76. Having got out the champagne, and reverentially decanted the port, there remains for him no further place in the proceedings, no moment in which his presence is desired.

  77. It is then decanted and filtered, left six days at rest, and again decanted (if necessary).

  78. The liquor is decanted and filtered from the precipitate and brought up to the volume 2 v by addition of some of the wash water.

  79. What remains in the liquid to be decanted is mostly glass mud and not emery at all.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decanted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.