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Example sentences for "da"

Lexicographically close words:
cytye; cywydd; czardas; czarowitz; czars; daan; daar; daat; daba; daban
  1. In der Zeit, die hierauf folgte, erfuhr das Wild in der Umgebung des "Narrenkastens" eine ihm dort ganz ungewohnte Beunruhigung in der Stille seines Sommerlebens.

  2. Perdeo de huma vez os direitos a tudo quanto sobre as aguas do mar debaixo de procellosos aguaceiros tinha adquirido.

  3. By an oversight I have referred to this MS.

  4. In addition to the authorities already quoted, there is a curious account of the celebrations referred to, sometimes attributed to Cervantes, called Relacion de lo Subcedido en la Ciudad da Valladolid, etc.

  5. When Sir Francis Cottington went to Spain to negotiate peace in 1629, Endymion Porter asked him to try and buy these drawings by Leonardo da Vinci from D.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "da" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolutely; alright; assuredly; certainly; exactly; fine; good; indeed; naturally; oui; positively; precisely; quite; rather; really; right; sure; surely; truly; yes

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    damn good; damn them; damp cloth; dance hall; danger signal; dangers from; dans les; dare say; dark brown; dark cloud; dark color; dark colour; dark complexion; dark crimson; dark forest; dark lantern; dark purplish; dark spots; darling child; dashed forward; date about; dates back; day and; day and ceased saying her permitted; days after; days gone