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Example sentences for "dark spots"

  • Carapace having numerous small, dark spots, sometimes small ocelli, which are not much larger near the center than the sides spinifer hartwegi, p.

  • The latter, it may be mentioned, is considered by Mr. L.

  • Stephens, is a small pale greyish form, almost without rosy tinge and with fewer cross lines.

  • Dorsolateral dark stripe, or row of dashes, present in all specimens; dark spots in lateral and dorsal green fields; lateral dark stripe confluent with dorsolateral stripe posteriorly in 18 specimens; white line not extending to groin.

  • Its colour is dirty yellowish or greenish grey, with a row of dark spots on each side.

  • Along the hind margin is a series of dark spots.

  • The hind margin is shaded with a dark grey border, inside which is a row of dark spots.

  • If there be dark spots on one part of his face, there may be dark spots on every part.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dark spots" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both languages; dark ages; dark and; dark and bloody ground; dark bluish; dark clouds; dark colored; dark complexion; dark corner; dark green; dark ground; dark horse; dark lady; dark line; dark lines; dark olive; dark purple; dark room; dear madam; everything possible; far west; merely natural; much matter; potassium bromide; state laws; would only