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Example sentences for "dark color"

  • This peculiar oxide is of a dark color, and is magnetic, so that tacks or small nails adhere to it when brought in contact with it.

  • A changing of the substance, however, to a dark color, should not be accepted as an invariable indication of charcoal, as some inorganic bodies thus change color, but the dark substance will not be likely to be mistaken for charcoal.

  • To a gallon of vinegar put an ounce of mace, one of peppercorns and cinnamon, (cloves and allspice improve the taste of the cabbages, but they turn it a dark color.

  • Cloves improve the taste, but it turns them a dark color.

  • When perfectly dry, iron it very smooth; the pearl-ash water turns it a dark color, but washing will efface it.

  • Cinnamon is good spice for loaf cake, but it turns it a dark color.

  • The light color of the pectoral area ordinarily is continuous with the light-colored area of the throat and chin but the dark color of the upper parts extends around in front of each foreleg.

  • From its geographic neighbors alascensis and initis, celenda differs in darker color of upper parts, presence rather than absence of patch of dark color on lower throat and chest, and longer black tip on tail.

  • Dark color of the upper parts is associated with a large area of this color; the enlargement of this area is at the expense of the area of light color on the underparts.

  • A style of calico printing, in which white or bright spots are produced upon cloth previously dyed of a uniform red or dark color, by discharging portions of the color by chemical means, while the rest of the cloth is under pressure.

  • Of a dark color, of various shades between black and red or yellow.

  • Jack is about thirty-six years of age, substantially built, dark color, and of quiet and prepossessing manners.

  • Richard is thirty-three years of age, small of stature, dark color, smart and resolute.

  • It is a dense basic lava of a dark color, that breaks with a conchoidal or shell-like fracture, and shows a finely grained or hemi-crystalline texture in a glassy base.

  • The ruby from Siam is of a dark color and is called oxblood ruby.

  • The third substance consists of bright glistening plates, sometimes of a dark color, which can be easily scratched, and which readily split into transparent leaves.

  • Of a dark color; of a color partaking of a brown and black; of a dull brown color; swarthy.

  • A horse of a dark color, neither gray nor white, and having no spots.

  • So named from its swift flight and dark color, which give it an uncanny appearance.

  • Anything worn is admissible in morning dress, a business suit, cutaway, sack suit, hats or caps, and undressed kid gloves of a dark color.

  • Gloves of a dark color and a crop with a bone handle are always in place.

  • White or delicate color linen shirts should be worn, patent leather shoes, silk hat and undressed kid gloves of dark color.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dark color" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cottage cheese; dark ages; dark and; dark background; dark blue; dark brown; dark chamber; dark cloud; dark colour; dark figure; dark gray; dark grey; dark horse; dark lane; dark lantern; dark night; dark olive; dark place; dark purplish; dark room; dark spot; glanced back; political issue; sin embargo; that quarter; yards wide