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Example sentences for "cynical"

Lexicographically close words:
cyme; cymes; cymose; cynanche; cynic; cynically; cynicism; cyning; cyninga; cyninges
  1. His long and close connection with a political association had made him take a cynical view of the motives of men.

  2. Some people might have called this frankness cynicism; but Josephine could not see that there was anything cynical about it.

  3. Then comes a dash of that satirical and somewhat cynical way of feeling which he had not as yet outgrown.

  4. He did not care to make acquaintances, was haughty in manner and cynical in mood, at least as he appeared to those in whom he felt no special interest.

  5. The two were indeed affinities in heart and soul; yet for once the cynical poet stayed his hand, and said no word that would have been disloyal to his friend.

  6. It is not likely that such a keen and cynical observer as Heinrich Heine would have written as he did concerning Lassalle, had not the latter been a brilliant and magnetic youth.

  7. Many cynical sophisms and apothegms are attributed to Hipparchia, who became one of the most prominent members of the school.

  8. Realizing that for them there was possible no such thing as true love and domestic happiness, they became rapacious and vindictive, cynical and ill-tempered.

  9. At the end, Sam was applauding wildly while Stewart watched him with cynical amusement.

  10. After living to middle age, and developing a disposition half cynical and accepting a creed half sceptical, he had suddenly and unwisely married a youthful wife, whose tastes and habits of life were altogether foreign to his own.

  11. They didn't look or act like cynical charlatans or implacable enemies of progress and enlightenment.

  12. We were at sea again; my lord cynical on the after-deck, young Erik talking to the men.

  13. My lord raised his tankard and took a long drink, then with the same old cynical laugh, he stood there; and she stopped.

  14. For two months Literature had meant a life of poverty and want; in Lousteau's room he had seen it at its cynical worst; in the Wooden Galleries he had met Literature abject and Literature insolent.

  15. What a difference between this cynical disorder and d'Arthez's neat and self-respecting poverty!

  16. That is too cynical a belief to be worth discussing," she said, pausing with the half eaten fruit in her hand to look at him with puzzled eyes.

  17. She hated this cynical bitter talk; at the moment she almost hated the speaker.

  18. But he could not lay bare his heart to that cynical old man, who read him as easily as the proverbial book, and on whose lip there was always lurking the germ of a sneering smile.

  19. Come, my lad, I'll speak plainly and put aside all cynical nonsense.

  20. Leslie, as cynical old Uncle Luke's hints about the smuggling flashed across his mind.

  21. He began in a half-cynical way, but the genuine embrace was contagious, and clasping her to his breast, he had to fight hard to keep back his own tears and sobs as he returned her kisses.

  22. There was a tremendous undercurrent of reaction against the prevalent cynical materialism and the vortex of fashion was also the cauldron of new aspirations and the battle-ground of wits.

  23. The only regularly drilled and armed troops in the city were as loyal to her, secretly and openly, as Livius himself was to the principle of cynical self-help.

  24. Such mirth as haunted his rebellious lips was rather cynical than genial.

  25. Worse still, he may evince for a time a cynical indifference to all great questions, and all your teaching may seem to be lost in a desert flat.

  26. Judah's cynical question avows the real motive of his intervention.

  27. Cynical or flippant turns of speech, which distressed and outraged his contemporaries, are taken as they were meant, for witty or humorous by-play.

  28. Cynical speeches with regard to friends and friendship, often quoted to his disadvantage, need not be taken too literally.

  29. But as I came away from the heath, there was again that cynical laugh, and again footsteps seemed to follow me home, and again the curtain by the window of my room shook and swelled.

  30. With cynical candour he informed me that he had spent fabulous sums upon Sorr that he might be near his charming wife, who at last, when he had actually purchased her of her wretch of a husband, vanished without a trace.

  31. And he could confess his shameful deed thus with cynical frankness; he did not even repent it; he was not crushed and despairing.

  32. I expect with all this crying and tousling among cushions, to hide I was crying from your cynical eyes, I'd better go into my room and bathe my face before the butler brings in the tea.

  33. Her cynical speeches appealed to their own lack of convictions; there was nothing "soppy" about Aunt Sibyl.

  34. What surprises me in it is the light, cynical view that the man takes of the responsibility of life itself.

  35. I stand better with my Western friends than I do with these cynical Easterners.

  36. It is not enough that the novelist should be cheery as Dickens, or genially cynical as Thackeray, or adventurous as Fielding.

  37. Without much illusion, though; her novels are the work of a faintly cynical Mark Tapley.

  38. The old woman's lips twisted in a faintly cynical smile.

  39. Mysticism is the opposite pole on the compass of Catullus and his followers, purely cynical and superficial poets, who have only known the pole of sensuality.

  40. Amateurs will perhaps sneer at these cynical maxims, but each can learn from them what he wishes.

  41. And there were moments in which he was tempted to think the same of himself; bitter moments of cynical world-wisdom, in which he scoffed at himself for having been led to play the part he had played for these last eight months.

  42. The second act is laid in the Council Chamber, where the various councillors are assembled, including the cynical Prime Minister, Prince Paul Maraloffski.

  43. This last is indeed a beautiful story, and not once is there sounded the mocking note of cynical disdain of men.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cynical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    antisocial; captious; carping; caustic; critical; cynical; defeatist; disenchanted; dismal; distrustful; dry; forlorn; gloomy; hollow; hypercritical; incisive; ironic; jaundiced; misanthropic; nagging; negative; niggling; nihilistic; pessimistic; quibbling; sarcastic; sardonic; satirical; skeptical; sophisticated; sullen; tart; unsociable; wry