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Example sentences for "curiae"

Lexicographically close words:
cureth; curette; curetting; curfew; curia; curial; curiam; curiata; curies; curieuse
  1. Each of the thirty curiae had a place of meeting, called also a curia, where were discussed public questions pertaining to politics, finance, or religion.

  2. The voting in this assembly was taken by each curia, and the majority of the curiae decided any question.

  3. Of another tenant on the same fief we read: 'praeter hoc, ex testimonio curiae meae, adhuc j.

  4. The members of the Witenagemot were the ' Pares Curiae ' (Peers of Court) of the kingdom.

  5. Before the time of the decemvirs, [151] a Roman citizen exposed his wishes and motives to the assembly of the thirty curiae or parishes, and the general law of inheritance was suspended by an occasional act of the legislature.

  6. War and religion were administered by the supreme magistrate; and he alone proposed the laws, which were debated in the senate, and finally ratified or rejected by a majority of votes in the thirty curiae or parishes of the city.

  7. On the contrary, he was elected, probably on the suggestion of his predecessor, by the assembly of curiae and then solemnly invested by a second assembly.

  8. But the assembly of curiae soon became obsolete.

  9. What though the curiae and tribes were partly artificial formations, they were moulded after the genuine and spontaneous models of a society from which they originated and that still surrounded them on all sides.

  10. The curiae and the gentes composing them now were degraded to mere private and religious congregations, analogous to their Attic prototypes, and as such they vegetated on for a long time.

  11. But they were not eligible to office and could neither take part in the assembly of curiae nor in the distribution of conquered state lands.

  12. Ten curiae formed a tribe which probably had originally its own elected chief--leader in war and high priest--like the rest of the Latin tribes.

  13. The people met in curiae, probably grouped by gentes, and every one of the thirty curiae had one vote.

  14. All these new members of the state (we disregard here the clients) stood outside of the old gentes, curiae and tribes and so did not form a part of the populus Romanus, the Roman people proper.

  15. Cassiodorus waver between Curbae and Curiae in the above letter.

  16. The comitia by curiae for everything which concerns military affairs; the comitia by centuries for the election of your consuls and of your military tribunes, &c.

  17. The ancient mode of division by curiae had lost all significance and ceased to be in use.

  18. Each curia had its own priests and separate dining-room and chapel, which were also called curiae (Ibid.

  19. Romulus divided the people into three tribes, and each tribe into ten curiae (Dionysius, ii.

  20. All we find is a series of aggregates of persons, in gentes, curiae and tribes, by means of which the people were dealt with by the government as groups of persons forming these several organic unities.

  21. Next in the ascending scale was the Roman tribe, composed of ten curiae and a hundred gentes.

  22. The Roman people and organization thus grew into being by a more or less constrained aggregation of gentes into curiae, of curiae into tribes, and of tribes into one gentile society.

  23. He was probably elected by the curiae collected in a general assembly; but here again our information is defective.

  24. That a small foreign element was forced into the curiae of the second and third tribes, and particularly into the third, is undeniable; but that a gens was changed in its composition or reconstructed or made, was simply impossible.

  25. The work performed by Romulus was the adjustment of the number of gentes in each curia, and the number of curiae in each tribe, which he was enabled to accomplish through the accessions gained from the surrounding tribes.

  26. All that was new in organization was the numerical proportions of gentes to a curia, of curiae to a tribe, and the coalescence of the latter into one people.

  27. An election by the curiae is, in principle, most probable, if the office did not fall to the chief ex officio, because the gentes in a curia had a direct interest in the representation of each gens.

  28. By this legislative constraint the tribes, with their curiae and gentes, were made severally equal, while the third tribe was in good part an artificial creation under the pressure of circumstances.

  29. The old assembly (comitia curiata) was allowed to retain a portion of its powers, which kept alive for a long period of time the organizations of the gentes, curiae and consanguine tribes.

  30. They were brought into the same numerical scale of ten curiae each composed of ten gentes.

  31. Both were personally free, and both entered the ranks of the army; but the former alone were organized in gentes, curiae and tribes, and held the powers of the government.

  32. The notes to Curiae Canadenses teem with interesting matter relating to the laws, courts, terms, districts and early history, legal and general, of Lower as well as Upper Canada.

  33. Thus closed a curious production in rhyme entitled Curiae Canadenses, published anonymously in 1843, but written by Mr. John Rumsey, an English barrister, sometime domiciled here.

  34. The old Assembly of the Curiae was not abolished, but lost all its political functions except the right to pass a law conferring the imperium upon the magistrates elected by the Assembly of the Centuries.

  35. The majority of votes in each curia passed for the voice of the whole curia, and the majority of the curiae for the general determination of the whole people.

  36. At their comitia or general assemblies, the people divided into their respective curiae and gave their votes man by man.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "curiae" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.