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Example sentences for "courtyards"

Lexicographically close words:
courts; courtship; courtships; courtsied; courtyard; cous; cousen; cousin; cousine; cousinly
  1. The people will suffer in these narrow tenements under the fierce southern sun, after their cool courtyards and high-vaulted chambers!

  2. Although they tried to build on the same principles as the Indians, they succeeded indifferently, for their constructions are but a ruinous mass, in the courtyards and open walls of which the poor Indians have established their cabins.

  3. It was composed of a series of buildings surrounded by porticos, which contained large reception halls separated from one another by courtyards in which peacocks and tame panthers wandered at will.

  4. Were there statues in the courtyards by which many of these tombs were surrounded?

  5. Round the inner courtyards there were, as in the courts of oriental palaces in our own day, porticoes formed of cedar beams resting on bases analogous to those which we have just noticed.

  6. Botta found under the pavement of the courtyards at Khorsabad little cavities containing, besides cylinders and other amulets, terra-cotta statuettes of talismanic character, intended to conjure and drive away the infernal powers.

  7. The courtyards are intersected by high walls into a multitude of little oblong walks.

  8. But she lost herself in courtyards and staircases.

  9. Music and dances were performed in the courtyards and, as in many Indian temples, the intention was to create a scene which by its animation and brilliancy might amuse the deity and rival the pleasures of paradise.

  10. With respect to the extensive and splendid courtyards belonging to this temple I have said sufficient above.

  11. The contrast of the blue sky and the white purity of the town was dazzling in the extreme, and the glare accounted in a measure for the veiled women and sore-eyed children we met in the courtyards of the town.

  12. The courtyards of the Chateau were thronged with an immense concourse of people; they demanded that the King and Queen, with their children, should make their appearance in the balcony.

  13. The army occupied the Place d'Armes, all the courtyards of the Chateau, and the entrance to the avenue.

  14. There, seated on an armchair, and assisted by a telescope, the King observed all that was passing in the courtyards of Versailles, the avenue of Paris, and the neighbouring gardens.

  15. One evening in the month of June the people of the Chateau, finding the King did not return by nine o'clock, were walking about the courtyards in a state of great anxiety.

  16. All the birds were singing in the great courtyards of the hospital, and all the opening buds sang too, and the green, green grass in its close bindings of stone.

  17. The courtyards are paved with huge ancient cobbles, and there are grass plots that are green and wet, and big trees and bushes whose leaves are falling slowly in blue stillness.

  18. His mind, with a little encouragement, would have flitted back to courtyards and orchids, but he forced it along less fanciful lines.

  19. Mundane considerations were imperative and courtyards were a luxury of the rich.

  20. Courtyards of barracks where painters who have not a cent in the world mix with beggars and guttersnipes to cajole a little hot food out of soft-hearted soldiers at mess-time.

  21. It was a vast building of the seventeenth century, in all the splendour and severity of that period; it had no garden but a multitude of little square courtyards paved with marble, each with a fountain in the centre.

  22. The cries of lambs and sheep could be heard from the courtyards where they were being slaughtered in sacrifice to Allah on the occasion of a circumcision or a birth.

  23. But in the middle of one of the courtyards stood the rose-bush,--it had stood there for ages in a bed, although there was no other attempt at a garden to be seen.

  24. He did not enter the Albrechtstor, however, but drove in through a side door, and across two courtyards till he reached that in which the rose-bush grew.

  25. Its courtyards and gardens are its glory.

  26. There are, in the byways and courtyards of the main street, several other most interesting houses dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which will repay the attention of students of architecture.

  27. Beside them and between them are quaint courtyards and narrow alleys of often an extremely picturesque character.

  28. Above ground it was a series of rectangles about courtyards each just big enough to accommodate four carts, all unloading or loading at once.

  29. There was a continual coming and going through the two gates and in the two courtyards of the house.

  30. Rag pickers and costermongers of all kinds were crowding round the taverns in the dirty and stinking courtyards of the Hay Market.

  31. As a result the inns are small, with none of the spacious courtyards which we had found in the north of the province.

  32. Their spacious courtyards contrasted strangely with the filthy "hotels" of southern China.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "courtyards" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.