It was a counterstroke by the worsted belligerent to get better terms of peace.
He assumed, in fact, a defensive attitude with which we were powerless to deal, and in the true spirit of defence he sprang out from time to time to deal us a counterstroke as he saw his opportunity.
But to postpone all idea of counterstroke until some indefinite period is as fatal in strategy as in tactics.
Such an advance would have made a Confederate counterstroke against the Northern capital, or even a demonstration, impossible.
A resolute counterstroke has before now changed the face of battle, and among unseasoned soldiers panic spreads with extraordinary effect.
A general counterstrokewas outside the scope of Jackson's designs.
The creek which covered the whole front rendered a counterstroke impracticable, and facilitated a flank attack.
The counterstroke was as completely successful as those that had preceded it.
For two hours the American batteries played upon the church and hacienda, both strongly fortified, and after a counterstroke had been beaten back a vigorous onslaught, made by the whole line of battle, compelled the enemy to give way.
The morning after the battle one of the Confederate officers expressed the opinion that even if the counterstrokehad been successful, the Federal reserves would have arrested it.
Moreover, Wellington's views as to the efficacy of the counterstroke were identical with those of Jackson, and he had the same predilection for cold steel.
But, while they smiled at his peculiarities, the Confederate soldiers remembered the fierce counterstroke on the heights above Bull Run.
The only danger was the possibility of a counterstroke while the Confederates were executing their turning movement.
Before the attack began it had been directed to this point, and the strong counterstroke which was made by these fresh troops was exactly the manoeuvre which the situation demanded.
To the east of the turnpike Lawton's division, strengthened at the critical moment by the brigade in second line, held Meade in check, and with a sharp counterstroke drove the Pennsylvanians back upon their guns.
Counterstroke after counterstroke had failed, and Russia was now tottering towards a collapse.
They asked for sixty thousand men at Bull Run, to be used for a vigorous counterstroke at Washington.
She had exhausted every art of diplomatic obstruction to the aggressive action of France; her counterstroke to the unexpectedly easy victory of the French arms was the formal recognition of the revolted colonies as independent states.
But this last great counterstroke of the Confederacy alarmed the whole North.
The service in hand demanded perfect secrecy and perfect efficiency: a sudden and irresistible counterstroke was to be delivered, and the two principal ships were to be returned immediately with unimpaired fighting value.
By that time the counterstrokehad been not only prepared, but launched.
Lastly, he had his reserves in the second line, ready for the counterstroke before the attack could secure its position.
It may be considered the literary masterpiece on the conservative side, the counterstroke to Lilienblum's "Sins of Youth".
He is the promoter of "spiritual Zionism", the counterstroke dealt to the practical, political movement by Messianic mysticism clothed in a somewhat more rational garb than its traditional form.
During the third he was defending Canada from American attack and aiding the British counterstroke by every means in his power.
A strong hostile column was found to be advancing, and by a vigorous counterstroke with two of his battalions the Brigadier checked the advance of this column and relieved the pressure on the Second Division.