Course, when he did try a comeback in English he chopped his words up comic; but he could speak four other languages, and Veronica seemed pleased enough to find someone she could practice her French and German on.
That wa'n't exactly the comeback you'd expect from a second-story worker, and he has a queer foreign twist to his words.
Bayard to see what comebackhe has to this dose of mush, and finds him starin' foolish at her.
When these fellows commence to flock together on this coast," he asserted, "you can figure on what Roque meant when he fixed a comeback to get even for that flying raid yesterday on Cuxhaven.
You forget, old top," suggested Billy, "that we have already on tap a comeback aeroplane trip across the Atlantic.
Keys to future growth remain internal reform, the build-up of the confidence of international donors and investors, and a strong comeback in the global economy.
While the does have been rearing their young, the bucks have been staging a slow comeback on the ridges above.
There are a number of mountain lions in Florida, and persistent reports indicate that they may be making a comeback in a number of other Eastern States.
That is, unless you count my being able to give Mr. Robert the swiftcomeback next mornin' when he greets me with a chuckle.
And when he gets through givin' the hot comeback to some tenant who has dared to protest that he's had the wrong number, he takes his time findin' out for us whether or not the Blakes are in.
This comeback rests on high levels of public investment, continuing strong export growth, and a gradual recovery in consumer spending.
There must be no comebackwhere Clyde is concerned.