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Example sentences for "counterfoil"

Lexicographically close words:
counterfeiter; counterfeiters; counterfeiting; counterfeits; counterfet; counterfoils; counterforts; countering; counterman; countermand
  1. Very well, then, how do you account for the fact that this nought was added to the nine in the counterfoil on or after Tuesday?

  2. The facts are admitted, so far as the alteration of this cheque and counterfoil by the prisoner.

  3. So you see the present system of acknowledgment is just as perfunctory and conventional as the counterfoil business would be, only ten times more tiresome and brain-racking.

  4. But I dare say it may have come to your notice that if you walk into a post-office and demand to see the counterfoil of another man's message there may be some disinclination on the part of the officials to oblige you.

  5. Armstrong, whose name the obliging young lady at the office allowed me to read upon the counterfoil of Staunton's urgent message.

  6. The check or counterfoil parts remained in the hands of the banker, the portion given to the customer being termed a "drawn note" or "draft.

  7. Opening it he found by the counterfoil that what Ash had said about his cheque for wages was correct, but, further, that another cheque had been torn out after his, and that the counterfoil remained blank.

  8. We must recollect that the police have discovered what may eventually throw some light on the affair, namely, the fact that a cheque is missing from deceased's cheque-book, leaving the counterfoil blank.

  9. The counterfoil of a tradesman's paying-in book showed £100 with which he was not credited in the books of the bank.

  10. The cashier was confident that his initials in blue pencil on the counterfoil were genuine.

  11. Can you show us the counterfoil in this instance?

  12. He asked to see the counterfoil in this case.

  13. The paper is marked on the back with the same number as the counterfoil of the paper which remains with the officer.

  14. This counterfoil is also marked with the voter's number on the register, so that the vote may be identified on a scrutiny; and a mark on the register shows that the voter has received a ballot-paper.

  15. Indeed, it is the institutional counterfoil of these establishments.

  16. He handed back the book to Lagune, open at the blank counterfoil of a cheque that had been removed.

  17. But I daresay it may have come to your notice that, counterfoil of another man's message, there may be some disinclination on the part of the officials to oblige you.

  18. The simplest form of stock book is that in which a specially ruled counterfoil is attached to the order forms and which only provides columns for accession and class numbers, author, title and number of volumes, publisher and price.

  19. In some libraries a book is used which resembles a receipt book in having a counterfoil and a tear-off sheet forming a thanks circular or acknowledgment form.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "counterfoil" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    brand; cachet; check; colophon; docket; hallmark; imprint; label; letterhead; masthead; plate; receipt; seal; signet; stamp; sticker; stub; tally; ticket; token