So let her rest: and Madame list to me, For I am bold to counsaile you in this; Although we fancie not the Cardinall, Yet must we ioyne with him and with the Lords, Till we haue brought Duke Humphrey in disgrace.
Your owne selfe hath giuen ouer your selfe to be a spoile and praye to a simple woman: that you wholie depend vpon her flatteries and allurementes: reason or counsaile can take no place in your passionate and afflicted hart.
Then Cyrus asked him, who gaue him counsaileto inuade his countrie, to make his frende his foe.
Folow thou the counsailethat is good, specially whyles the time doth serue.
Violenta all this time which fed her bloudie and cruell harte with none other repaste but with rage and disdaine, began to bee appeased, and founde the counsaile of Ianique so good, as she wholy purposed to follow the same.
Candaules king of Lidia, shewing the secretes of his wyues beautie to Gyges, one of his guarde: was by counsaile of his wife, slaine by the said Gyges, and depriued of his kingdome.
Hee thancked her for her good will and made her a direct aunsweare, that hee was determined no more to followe the counsaile of any Phisition.
Now the fleete hauing done such things as are declared, the Captaine, by the counsaile of M.
Wherefore vsing alwayes the counsaile and seruice of M.
Now, sirs, do you no more, but kepe my counsaile juste, And Doctor Rat shall thus catch some good, I trust.
First giue me trust, the Count he is my husband, And what to your sworne counsaile I haue spoken, Is so from word to word: and then you cannot By the good ayde that I of you shall borrow, Erre in bestowing it Wid.
But wherefore waste I time to counsaile thee That art a votary to fond desire?
Who shal counsaileme now in my lyking tene, and in my goodly harse?
Thinketh also, how many a governour Called to estat, hath oft be set ful lowe Through misusing of right, and for errour, 95 Therfore I counsaile you, vertue to knowe.
Moun: Black and portentious must this honor proue, Vnlesse good counsaile doo the cause remooue.
Ro: By loue, who first did prompt me to enquire, I he gaue me counsaile and I lent him eyes.
Wherefore I humbly Beseech you Sir, to spare me, till I may Be by my Friends in Spaine, aduis'd; whose Counsaile I will implore.
Kingdomes weake haue rose to might, and mightie kyngdomes fallen, no counsaile can preuaile, no power, no strength, or might in lande.
Touching your Prisoners That stand accusd of detestable Crymes, His Counsaile is, if they be culpable, That you use speedy Justice and with rigour.
What action of his renownd in which Your counsaile was forgotten?
Now to be patient Were to be treacherous: trust once his counsaile That never yet hath faild you.
GOD hath blessed her gouernment, more by miracle th[=a] by counsaile, and yet by counsaileas much as can come from policie.
True; and I promise thee now, I hope I shall doo well by the comfortable counsaile of so good a friend.
Except there be any man, whiche may beleue that our Lorde God woulde inspire the righteousnesse of examination, to any one singular person, and to denie the same to priestes gathered together into counsaile without number, &c.
To euery one of these did the Counsaile of Toledo in Spaine, appoinete their seueralle liueries, and offices in the Churche.
The Iewes before thei be Christened (by the determinacion of the counsaile holden at Agathone), are cathechised, that is to saie, are scholers at the enstruction of our beleue nine monethes.
Wherefore I counsaile yoᶙ, my fader dere, To have mynde of Sir Ferumbras.
Vnto the Senatours it semed welle, His counsaile goode and honurable.
He lete cal hiscounsaile to-geder assembled his council.
He clepede his Engyno«ur» sir mavone, The soudan calls for To counsaile he did him faste calle.
Of alle myn Ooste the wiseste man, [leaf 8] With counsaile men for to saue.
You doe not counsaile well: You speake it out of feare, and cold heart Vern.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "counsaile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.