Her mind, so absorbed in other thoughts, hardly took in what he could mean.
The next thing was no bark, but a shriek of joy from Yarrow, such ascould mean nothing in the world but "Philip!
The younger sat in a corner and listened with the rest of them, and could not imagine what they could mean.
The King's son did not hear one word of it, but the servants had been awakened, and had listened to it, and had not known what it could mean.
At night he was taken to the royal bed, but he laid a two-edged sword between him and the young Queen; she did not know what that could mean, but did not venture to ask.
Then all the king's attendants, seeing that he had suddenly fallen into such a state, were utterly beside themselves to think what it could mean.
And the king knowing the excellent character of Vidushaka, was immediately bewildered, wondering what it could mean.
At that moment a rain of flowers fell from heaven, and Garuda was astonished when he saw it, wondering what it could mean.
The servants too were collected, some without the door and others of more authority within it, to hear and see what all this could mean.
His answer was--He did not know what I could mean!
Thus endeavouring to quiet my conscience by a quibble, and with a half faced lie make him believe what it was impossible I could mean.
For, to tell the truth, he felt the tables altogether turned upon him, and was confounded, and did not know what it could mean.
When he was gone, Miss Marjoribanks could not but wonder a little what he could mean by looking forward to an eventful week.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could mean" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.