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Example sentences for "coonskin"

Lexicographically close words:
coome; coomed; cooms; coon; coons; coont; coonted; coontit; coontry; coop
  1. He instinctively put on his coonskin cap again to hold his scalp down, as he said afterward.

  2. As they hailed him in chorus he was bewildered for a moment, and stood in the gateway leaning on his rifle, his coonskin cap thrust back on his brown hair, his bright, steady gray eyes concentrated as he listened.

  3. In a moment bearded white faces, angry eyes, coonskin caps and straw hats were whirling about the three emissaries in the middle of the creek.

  4. Auguste went colder still as he saw Eli Greenglove, who had been standing by the gate in the fence around the château, walk across the open space, the tail of his coonskin cap bobbing.

  5. Under his coonskin cap red hair, wild and knotted, hung down to his shoulders, and his red beard hid three quarters of his face.

  6. The shambling backwoodsman held his coonskin cap in his hand as he approached the witness chair.

  7. In their coonskin caps and dusty gray shirts and buckskin jackets, the men didn't look like soldiers, but they had taken the oath and were under military discipline till their term of enlistment was up at the end of May.

  8. Raoul watched Justus Bennett, in civilian life Smith County's land commissioner, ordering two privates in buckskins and coonskin caps to put up a tent for him.

  9. One of them, short, skinny, wearing a coonskin cap and a blue officer's coat, came up to White Bear and peered at him.

  10. Ten feet or so behind him a line of men in coonskin caps and gray shirts were methodically firing over his head.

  11. The drivers were very swarthy, generally dressed in buckskin with a bright colored knit sash about the waist and a coonskin cap with a tail hanging down behind or a broad brimmed hat.

  12. He was dressed in a coonskin cap or broad brimmed hat with buckskin trousers and jumper.

  13. A towering figure in coonskin cap and hunter's garb was halted at the sun-dial and looking toward them.

  14. The next morning, to his comrades' intense surprise, they found that Old Coonskin had dug for himself a deep burrow like a woodchuck close to the enemy's defenses and had thrown up a little mound with a peep-hole.

  15. Among others he insisted upon wearing a coonskin cap and was known throughout his company as "Old Coonskin.

  16. At the end of the third day, the Confederates had learned their lesson and there were no more shots to be had and once more Old Coonskin began to be bored.

  17. Finally it reached such a height that from an upper inside shelf, protected by heavy logs and planks, Old Coonskin could lie at his ease and overlook all of the operations inside the city.

  18. With the old-timers the new-comer, whose case was otherwise so doubtful, had one thing in common: a coonskin coat.

  19. For Jethro Bass, still with the coonskin cap, but in a brass-buttoned coat secretly purchased in Brampton, appeared at meeting!

  20. On one of these excursions he fell in with that singular character of a bumpkin who had interested him on his first visit, in coonskin cap and overcoat and mittens.

  21. Jethro Bass, rugged, uncouth, in rawhide boots and swallowtail and coonskin cap, came down from the porch to welcome her, and she ran toward him with an eagerness that started the painter to wondering afresh over the contrasts of life.

  22. The day after the completion of the picture a rugged figure in rawhide boots and coonskin cap approached Chester Perkins's house, knocked at the door, and inquired for the "Painter-man.

  23. Jethro was about thirty years of age, and he wore a coonskin cap even in those days, and trousers tacked into his boots.

  24. Now that she thought of it, there was rugged power in Jethro's face, especially when he took off the coonskin cap.

  25. His coonskin cap, with the bushy brush of it hanging down on his neck, was sometimes a sorry sight.

  26. Untying the flaps of the coonskin cap he moved across the floor.

  27. When all was in readiness Daniel pulled on his coonskin cap and whistling up his dogs he started off resolutely ahead of his family.

  28. He wrapped the muffler about his throat and, drawing on his mittens, the singing master stepped out into the snow, the coonskin cap drawn lower over his bespectacled eyes.

  29. He chuckled to himself, drawing the knitted muffler closer about his thin throat and making fast the earflaps of his coonskin cap.

  30. A courageous explorer in leather breeches and coonskin cap blazed the trail through an unbroken wilderness to help build America.

  31. Daniel tossed his coonskin cap into the air again and again and let out a war whoop that brought the terrified Rebecca hurrying to the cabin door, a whoop that pierced the silence of the forest beyond.

  32. They were riding on small, shaggy ponies, three abreast; were dressed in warm blue coats with sheepskin overcoats outside and crowned with the regulation coonskin caps; armed from head to foot.

  33. Abraham's clothes were often made of deerskin, and he wore a coonskin for a cap.

  34. Many of them wore buckskin breeches and coonskin caps.

  35. They wore the same kind of suits, buckskin trousers and coonskin caps as the soldiers of the Black Hawk war.

  36. He stood statuesquely upright, waving his coonskin cap, and between his long deerskin leggins and breech clout the flesh of his slim legs showed bare, almost as bronze-dark as that of an Indian.

  37. Unlike them, too, he bowed with a ceremony foreign to the wilderness and swept his coonskin cap clear of his head.

  38. In spite of his coonskin coat and fur cap he was beginning to feel extremely chilly.

  39. He sighed, unfastened his coonskin coat, and cursed old Wigmore huskily, but heartily.

  40. He was surprised to find that he wore heavy, fur-lined gloves, a fur cap pulled low over his ears and forehead, and a coonskin coat.

  41. The coonskin regardant will always be found emblazoned on my arms, together with a blue Goddess of Liberty and my name in green India ink.

  42. If the reader will go around behind the above building and notice it carefully on the east side, he will not discover a dried coonskin nailed to the rear breadths of the wood-shed.

  43. She started off briskly and a little farther on met Jack Whittlesey the sheriff, who grinned and touched his coonskin cap.

  44. In a moment the cherry-wood of the opening framed a face which caused me to snatch the coonskin cap from my wigless yellow curls.

  45. My hand went up to jerk off my coonskin cap, and knocked smartly against the stiff brim of my beaver.

  46. He next took the cap from his head--a coonskin it was--and set it so that its upper edge could be seen alongside the pommel, and rising about three inches above the croup.

  47. For, as they scattered to each side of the cleft, the steel tube no longer kept turning towards them, while the coonskin cap remained equally without motion.

  48. Wetzel stood directly behind me, the muzzle-loader in his hand, the tail of his coonskin cap bouncing in the wind, his eyes narrowed.

  49. But he was wearing the fringed buckskin trousers and shirt, the beaded moccasins, the coonskin cap, and his coarse black hair hung almost to his shoulders.

  50. Again the postern opened, and this time there was a cheer at sight of a man in hunting shirt and leggings and coonskin cap.

  51. It was Cowan who stepped out first, snatched his coonskin hat from his head, and waved it in the air.

  52. At these words the settlers gave a great shout, waving their coonskin hats in the air.

  53. He had very long black hair, a new coonskin cap with a long tassel, and a new blue-fringed hunting shirt.

  54. He wore a deerskin hunting shirt dyed black, but, in place of a coonskin cap with the tail hanging down, a hat.

  55. Yeo's intermediate movements do not appear, but on September 7 the antagonists again met off the Niagara River.

  56. I believe I've seen that old coonskin coat," I said.

  57. Between whiles he told me about the Highlander who used to wear a rabbit cap and a coonskin coat, and who had the gift of second sight to a marked degree.

  58. The poor boy cowered down at the foot of the old oak, and burying his face in his coonskin cap, remained for a long time mum and motionless.

  59. Now, you smile to think that a boy, who lived in a log cabin and ate his bread and milk with a pewter spoon, and dressed in buckskin breeches and a coonskin cap, should fancy that he had anything to be vain of.

  60. His ears were all right; so was his coonskin cap, the rim before, the tail behind.

  61. It is my name, sir; and you can see that I am not an Indian, by my coonskin cap.

  62. In a twinkling the vain boy had doffed the coonskin cap and donned the feathers.

  63. Eli Youde, a coonskin cap on his head, was at the door.

  64. The other girls, thoroughly chilled, welcomed the change and Janet unbuttoned the voluminous coonskin and shared it with Margie, Helen doing likewise for Cora.

  65. No need to ask what made him leap about so boisterously, waving his coonskin cap around his head.

  66. There was something about the way in which he swung his old coonskin cap that aroused the curiosity of the disconsolate settlers.

  67. He crushed her to him, he buried his face in her neck, mumbling her name over and over: and neither of them knew that he was rapturously kissing the coonskin collar of his own greatcoat.

  68. The door opened before a rough hand, and O'Neil strode into the room, huge, shaggy in his coonskin coat.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coonskin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.