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Example sentences for "convalescent"

Lexicographically close words:
conuicted; conundrum; conundrums; conuocation; convalescence; convalescents; convalescing; convanient; convarse; convarted
  1. Tom's food choked him, as it had need under the sharp stress of things; and the convalescent housemother remained at table only long enough to pour the coffee.

  2. McGee, distributed papers of sweets to a ward of convalescent and sticky infants, and refused to take a toilsome journey around the borders of my one-time coal-lands.

  3. Happily there was a chance look across the room, which hurried Polly and David away to school and sent Leonora up to the convalescent ward to make ready for her drive with Mrs. Jocelyn.

  4. Chris had proposed going over to the convalescent ward for a little visit; but Polly was in no visiting mood, so she had allowed him to go alone.

  5. Her errand this morning carried her first to the children's convalescent ward, where she was so eagerly seized upon that she escaped only by pleading her additional flowers to distribute, and school time not far away.

  6. The second list was soon complete, with former patients of the convalescent ward outnumbering the others.

  7. He had now the appetite of a young convalescent who was rapidly gaining strength, and Polly watched his plate at mealtime with dismay in her heart.

  8. But, little by little, as the convalescent gathered strength of body she also gained in self-control.

  9. Mr. Pinchin, starting up, but trembling in every limb, for he was hardly yet convalescent of his Fever.

  10. The Sisters had a Convalescent Home under their care, and many of them went out from Coatham to work in other towns.

  11. Sometimes she took patients who were convalescent for expeditions into the country or to visit Lichfield Cathedral.

  12. He had seen its fine recreative properties, and he divined, somehow, that the minds of convalescents ought to be amused, and so he often begged the doctor to let him take a convalescent abroad.

  13. In his quality of attendant on the sick, Staines sometimes conducted a weak but convalescent patient into the open air; and he was always pleased to do this, for the air of the Cape carries health and vigor on its wings.

  14. It was decided that Melissa should for the present remain with her father; but, as soon as Diodoros should be allowed to leave the Serapeum, she was to go across the lake to receive the convalescent on his return home.

  15. There were some good rooms for convalescent patients, besides paying wards.

  16. At half-past two we left, for the Governor had to open the bazaar in aid of the Convalescent Home in the place of Lady Loch, who was unable to leave her room.

  17. Rubber balloons, or a target gun for the boy of six will be a great source of delight to him; as will a doll with a trunk full of clothes for the little girl during her convalescent days.

  18. A tactful nurse and a resourceful mother will think of all the rest that we have not mentioned--which will amuse, entertain and keep happy our convalescent children, help them to forget that they are "shut ins.

  19. While convalescent at the hospital this reached him, addressed to his alias, and caused such sudden removal, without leaving of any explanation for Sir Donald or Esther Randolph.

  20. When able to sit up, she insists upon his making a call upon their interesting convalescent and telling him of the proposed trip to India.

  21. The now happy convalescent hardly can suppress within discreet bounds his longing for speedy return.

  22. This was that delayed epistle which so electrified an interesting convalescent in hospital ward across the sea.

  23. Cousin Gustus, Mr. Russell, and the convalescent Hound went to lie upon the downs which climbed up straight from the back doorstep of the inn.

  24. But the medical charities, the hospitals, dispensaries, convalescent homes, and the benevolence of individual physicians were not well connected with the group of charitable associations which I have been referring to above.

  25. Usually such aid can be rendered through services or institutions (nurses, hospitals, convalescent homes) which do not involve giving money outright.

  26. That passage after dinner through the convalescent wards of the finely equipped hospital was to Nelly Sarratt an almost intolerable experience.

  27. As for his sister, she seemed to like driving convalescent officers about, and throwing away money on her clothes.

  28. A girl was in front, with a young man in khaki, a convalescent officer, to judge from his frail look and hollow eyes.

  29. Nothing was so likely to confirm and steady the convalescent mind as to dwell on the fact of his deliverance.

  30. The convalescent old woman had to do all the ministering herself, and that she was able to do it was, of course, as everybody remarks on reading the narrative, the sign of the completeness of the cure.

  31. The convalescent patient does not like to part with his doctor.

  32. The doctor, in kindly ignorance, had told him that Mrs. Vansittart was convalescent and would be able to travel in a few days.

  33. This morning he was convalescent after a painful immobility of two days.

  34. Of the whole number, there are perhaps fifty to one hundred who, in a week or ten days, will be in a convalescent state, but the others will very slowly regain their lost health.

  35. And her looks and tones were the most soft of all, as, the centre of everybody's thoughts, she was led to the sofa near the fire and surrounded by that half-worship which is the right of a convalescent where love is.

  36. She had read of how Lady Meyfield had turned her houses, both town and country, into convalescent homes for soldiers; but she was surprised to see men in hospital garb mixing freely with the other guests.

  37. The result was that in no military hospital, or convalescent home, in the country was the discipline so good.

  38. The visit of Barry Quinlevin was not long delayed and Jim Horton received him in his wheel chair by an open window in the convalescent ward.

  39. In the ward, in the convalescent rooms or even in the grounds of the hospital, Moira had been a visitor with a mission of charity and cheer.

  40. To give another instance--a personal friend of the writer, a young Anglican clergyman, a widely known college principal, was serving in one of the huts of a Convalescent Camp.

  41. As the men are cured in these hospitals they are sent up to the Convalescent Camp to be made fit to return to the trenches.

  42. For our first illustration, let us take the Y M C A hut in the Convalescent Camp.

  43. A glance at the crowd within, or at the great city of white tents without, shows that even this building is utterly inadequate for this convalescent camp holding 4,000 men.

  44. When at last he made me understand that they were both dead, I fell into a wild rage that tore all my little convalescent strength to atoms.

  45. This ugly mansion, he decided, would make an ideal Convalescent Home.

  46. His work in the great hospitals and convalescent camps beyond the town was tiring; he found little time for recreation, much less for rest; a light dinner and bed by ten o'clock was the usual way of spending his evenings.

  47. The talk turned chiefly on the uses of the mansion as a Convalescent Home, its probable running cost, suitable staff, and so forth.

  48. Ruth had scarcely become convalescent when this occurred, and was again completely prostrated.

  49. At last, one morning, I was declared convalescent and sufficiently well to be removed to my chambers.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "convalescent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.