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Example sentences for "contadina"

Lexicographically close words:
conta; contact; contacted; contacting; contacts; contadini; contadino; contado; contador; contagion
  1. And away went the grotesque race up the Corso degli Adimari--the horse with the singular jockey, the contadina with the remarkable hose, and the doctor in lather and spectacles, with furred mantle outflying.

  2. Some little contadina who probably mistook me for an acquaintance, for she had honoured me with a greeting.

  3. Even under strong solicitation from other thoughts Romola found her heart palpitating if she caught sight of a pair of round brown legs, or of a short woman in the contadina dress.

  4. These, by a persuasive variety of words signifying simpleton, for which the Florentine dialect is rich in equivalents, seemed to be arguing with the contadina against her obstinacy.

  5. Tito was afraid of something worse than ridicule, if he were seen in the Via de' Bardi with a girlish contadina looking pathetically at him.

  6. Tito pushed his way vigorously towards the corner of a side-street, a little vexed at this delay in his progress to the Via de' Bardi, and intending to get rid of the poor little contadina as soon as possible.

  7. She still wore her contadina gown: it was only broader than the old one; and there was the silver pin in her rough curly brown hair, and round her neck the memorable necklace, with a red cord under it, that ended mysteriously in her bosom.

  8. Early the next morning, in the misty light, Lisetta and Mae, the latter still in her contadina costume, left the house quietly.

  9. How lovely the Signorina would look in a contadina costume--the home costume," said Lisetta gravely.

  10. I don't believe the princess that Aeneas was fighting about was half as handsome as that dancing Contadina from Frascati, with a scarlet bodice and a floating veil fastened among her black braids with a silver arrow.

  11. But I imagine you would hardly fancy my appearance in scarlet jacket, with laced sleeves, big coral necklace, and long ear-rings, like that old Contadina we met riding on a donkey.

  12. The old Contadina would make a charming picture; but a picture of the Campagna, sleepy with purple haze, would be more like you.

  13. His eye, as he rises to his feet again, falls on the contadina nearest him.

  14. It is not the contadina who, standing a little behind, joins him as he turns away from the altar.

  15. As he spoke he offered Inglesant the glass he held, and filled another, and at the same instant, the Contadina came up to Inglesant and hung upon his arm.

  16. He had not gone far when the peasant and the contadina met him.

  17. The reproach evidently had its effect; for the contadina now spoke, and it was Miriam's voice.

  18. The countenance of each was covered with an impenetrable black mask; but one seemed a peasant of the Campagna; the other, a contadina in her holiday costume.

  19. In the second picture the contadina had brought the bracelet, and Orlando was sitting up, contemplating it and saying: "It is the bracelet which I gave to Angelica.

  20. See it come filtering down through a vine-covered trellis on the red handkerchief with which a ragged contadina has bound her hair, and all the magic of Italy, to the eye, makes an aureole about the poor girl's head.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contadina" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.