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Example sentences for "consequents"

Lexicographically close words:
consequences; consequent; consequential; consequentially; consequently; consequi; conseruation; conserue; conservacion; conservation
  1. The formal thinking of syllogism alone is merely necessary consequence; but when its premises are necessary principles, its conclusions are not only necessary consequents but also necessary truths.

  2. Or, on rather a different line of criticism, the use of corresponding letters in the two series of antecedents and consequents raises, it is said, a false presumption of correlation.

  3. Necessary principles, discovered by this process of induction and identification, become premises of deductive demonstration to conclusions which are not only necessary consequents on the premises, but also equally necessary in reality.

  4. Is it the mere series of regular antecedents and consequents themselves?

  5. When we have observed antecedents and consequents frequently associated, we take one for a sign of the other, as clouds foretell rain, and rain is a sign there have been clouds.

  6. For the recurrence of antecedents, and consequents does not prove a necessary connection between them, unless we can exclude the presence of all other conditions which may determine the event.

  7. The consequents follow their antecedents either universally, or at least according to customary rules, in the majority of cases.

  8. Look also to the antecedents and consequents of the thesis--what must be assumed and what will follow, if the thesis be granted.

  9. The consequents of a certain ethical temper.

  10. Defn: Having the same relative proportion or value, as the two antecedents or the two consequents of a proportion.

  11. We shall denote antecedents by the large letters of the alphabet, and the consequents corresponding to them by the small.

  12. We have ascertained one invariable antecedent or consequent, however many other invariable antecedents or consequents may still remain unascertained.

  13. For adjuncts, of which we were speaking just now, do not always exist, but consequents do invariably.

  14. I call those things consequents which follow an action of necessity.

  15. The different antecedents and consequents being, then, supposed to be, so far as the case requires, ascertained and discriminated from one another; we are to inquire which is connected with which.

  16. Now the consequents of this must needs be sad; For what knowing and conscientious man, but will be driven off, if he cannot assert the truth, without open asserting of a gross lie?

  17. In the nature of man, you must see the foundation of his relations unto God: and if you know not those great relations, the duties of which must take up all our lives, you may easily foresee the consequents of such ignorance or error.

  18. Christ's name that I scruple, but the consequents of seeming to distinguish and prefer that name alone before all the rest.

  19. So if you know not what God is, and what his relations to us are, so far as is necessary to our living in the duties of those relations, the consequents of your ignorance will be sad.

  20. Here Baxter falls short of the subject, and does not see the full consequents of his own prior, most judicious, positions.

  21. Since the consequents are no longer connected individually with the antecedents, a disjunctive denial of them leaves it still possible for the antecedent as a whole to be true.

  22. The most usual mode of rebutting a dilemma is by transposing and denying the consequents in the major-- If A is B, C is D; and if E is F, G is H.

  23. Then also the sum of all the antecedents to all the consequents would be as 3 to 2.

  24. And by prolonging the arc KQ till it meets AD at Y, the sum of the consequents is DY.

  25. Now, what may we think of ourselves, who scarce apprehend mortality, especially considering that we have the true fountain of it revealed to us, and the true nature and consequents of it.

  26. Now, it is only the Christian religion possessing the heart that arms a man completely against the fear either of death itself, or the consequents of it.

  27. Pietas ipsa sibi merces est,—godliness is great gain in itself, though it had not such sweet consequents or companions.

  28. You have here the woful and dreadful effects and consequents of the first transgression upon all mankind.

  29. Antecedents and consequents are phenomena of the natural world,--and the connection between them is their Law.

  30. By an exertion of our will, we can change or stop a natural tide of inorganic antecedents and consequents and direct it to our own purposes.

  31. Let the physical series of antecedents and consequents be represented by a chain of which we see the present links, but both its beginning and its end are invisible.

  32. The analytical method proceeds from the facts; the particular, to the principle or rule; the universal, or from the consequents to the reasons; the other conversely.

  33. The inability in this case does not relate to the connexion between volition and its consequents and effects; but to the production of the volition itself.

  34. Having understood the nature and the signs or effects of pride, consider next of the dreadful consequents and tendency of it, both as it leadeth to further sin, and unto misery.

  35. By this you may see, that it is not so much the bare fashion itself that is to be regarded, as the signification and the consequents of it.

  36. Also the consequents concur much to make the action good or bad: though that be not your end, yet if you may foresee, that greater hurt than good will follow, or is like to follow, it will be your sin.

  37. Any object present to perception which is associated with antecedents and consequents with the same degree of cohesion, calls up its consequents rather than its antecedents.

  38. For all ideas, in the mind, do and must come from observation or reflection, or as the logical antecedents or consequents of ideas thus obtained.

  39. If the assumption is false, such will be the character of the antecedents and consequents following from it.

  40. The antecedent being given, either of two or more consequents is equally possible, and therefore, when one consequent does arise, we affirm that either of the others might have arisen in its stead.

  41. The relation between all antecedents and their consequents was established by him.

  42. If all acts of Will are the necessary consequents of the influences to which the mind is at the time subjected, much more must a like necessity exist between all acts of Will and their consequents, external and internal.

  43. It assumes the position in debate, to wit: that there cannot be consequents which are not necessarily connected with particular antecedents, which antecedents necessitate these particular consequents in distinction from all others.

  44. Let us now suppose that these acts themselves are the necessary consequents of the circumstances in which they originate.

  45. Yet all the elements in those decisions may be the necessary logical consequents of the data actually assumed.

  46. The chain of causes and effects that constitutes the universe is made out to be one with the series of reasons and consequents by which the conclusion is demonstrated.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consequents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.