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Example sentences for "conquere"

Lexicographically close words:
conomy; conozco; conque; conquer; conquerd; conquered; conquerer; conquereth; conquering; conqueror
  1. But it will be to late for them to show their appreciations because I won't be here no more and the boys probably won't see me again till its all over and we are back in the old U.

  2. But some parte of the countrey, because it lyeth within the sea, they could by no meanes conquere vnto this day.

  3. Wherfore every gode Cristene man, that is of powere, and hathe whereof, scholde peynen him with all his strengthe for to conquere oure righte heritage, and chacen out alle the mysbeleevynge men.

  4. But nowe pryde, covetyse and envye han so enflawmed the hertes of lordes of the world, that thei are more besy for to disherite here neyghbores, more than for to chalenge or to conquere here righte heritage before seyd.

  5. And the comoun peple, that wolde putte here bodyes and here catelle, for to conquere oure heritage, thei may not don it withouten the lordes.

  6. For thou schalt conquere the londs and the contrees, that ben abouten: and thei that marchen upon zou, schulle ben undre zoure subieccioun, as zee han ben undre hires: for that is Goddes wille inmortalle.

  7. And it befelle in Kyng Alisandres tyme, that he purposed him to conquere that yle, and to maken hem to holden of him.

  8. And so I say: though thou be put to serve the ilke jewel duringe thy lyfe, yet is that no servage of underputtinge, but a maner of travayling plesaunce, to conquere and gette that thou hast not.

  9. Cilon the familiar freend of Aristimus [error for Aristotimus] which excyte all good dispositions to aspyre vnto houour [error for honour] to atchieue and conquere newe kingdoms as thy father did.

  10. Why thou commest not nowe from Corinthe, or from the Hetrurian Tarquines, to atchieue and conquere newe kingdoms as thy father did.

  11. Sidenote: Hengist purposeth at the first to conquere the Britains.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conquere" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.