This license granted by Connexional opinion was due to the fact that she so obviously regarded her carriage, not as a carriage, but as a contrivance on four wheels for enabling an infirm creature to move rapidly from place to place.
These are assisted in the occupation of the pulpits by ministers belonging to Connexional departments in London, or students from the college at Richmond.
The London degree largely figures on the Connexional Diary; and now the Welsh degrees, in arts and divinity, are being increasingly achieved.
The perfection of the Scriptures, both as a rule of faith and a rule of life, was one of the first articles in the connexional list of doctrines, and each preacher was left to interpret the Scriptures for himself.
After so long and useful a career, your separation from our Conference and work would be a connexional calamity.
He was the first Editor of the Christian Guardian, the connexional organ of our branch of Methodism.
In spite of all, however, Church enterprises are projected, and we have started our Connexional Thanksgiving Fund auspiciously, both so far as spirit and money go.
All parties will probably be warned and instructed by the temporary interruption in your connexional relations.
The last important connexionaldiscussion in which Dr.
John Ryerson was a good deal exercised as to the ill effects, upon the connexional church property, of Judge Macaulay's adverse decision.
In the case of a candidate for the ministry someConnexional Committee sitting in some distant town "may take a stand we cannot take who are on the spot.
Our own Connexional fathers, however, as the figures most familiar to our minds, may remind us how faithful the pulpit used to be in the execution of this hard task.
Such an imperialist is no longer the servant of this denomination or that, a mere agent hunting recruits for his own little connexional "interest.
One-sixth of the laymen on Connexional committees retire yearly; they may be re-elected, but must receive a four-fifths vote.
Local Church meetings were guaranteed the right of appeal to Conference, and circuits were allowed to memorialise Conference on Connexional subjects, within proper limits.
In France and Germany Methodist agency has been one of the strongest forces in re-awakening the old Protestant Churches; the services held by our Connexional evangelists send many converts to swell the fellowship of Churches not our own.
A high level of excellence is seen in the publications of the Book Room, and our people when supporting it are also helping important Connexional funds, to which the profits are given.
This fund provides for the support of the Connexional evangelists and district missionaries.
Such work could not be done if the circuits acted independently; but united as they are, and forming one vast connexion, much which would otherwise be impossible can be achieved by means of the great Connexional funds.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "connexional" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.