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Example sentences for "official letter"

  • The night before I left Gundamuck, I received an official letter and a survey report, setting forth that the whole of the camels of one regiment were unserviceable, and that they could not get up even without their loads.

  • An official letter begins: My Lord, and ends: I have the honor to be your Lordship's obedient servant.

  • An official letter begins: Sir, and ends: I have sir, the honor to remain your most obedient servant.

  • An official letter begins: Sir, and ends: I have the honor to remain your obedient servant.

  • John Langdon, a senator from New Hampshire, had been chosen president of the senate pro tempore, and he immediately wrote an official letter to Washington notifying him of his election.

  • I wrote an official letter to Raouf Bey to caution Lieutenant-Colonel Tayib Agha against making remarks in the presence of his troops.

  • I wrote an official letter to Djiaffer Pacha, protesting against delay, and reminding him of the Khedive's instructions.

  • Dundas will, as I understand from him, explain to you what he considers to be the case about your letter, which he states to me to have been an official letter addressed, I think, to P.

  • I remarked that I had an official letter to his lordship from the War Department.

  • It was arranged that we should visit the camp next day, and that I should go and deliver my official letter, and present my humble duty to Lord Raglan.

  • I shall write an official letter respecting it.

  • The General, fearful of the encouragement of such expectations, addressed an official letter to the Envoy, stating that the intelligence received from Sir R.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "official letter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    between citizens; civil engineering; come now; conquered territory; dear girls; first meeting; good humour; half length; half teaspoon; might fall; nearly level; official account; official exchange; official information; official language; official members; official organ; official report; official reports; official residence; results from; sank back; that night; thus doing; varicose veins; woollen cloth