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Example sentences for "beefe"

Lexicographically close words:
beechen; beeches; beechnuts; beechwoods; beef; beefore; beefsteak; beefsteaks; beefy; beeg
  1. Nay then I wil not, you shal haue the Mustard Or else you get no beefe of Grumio Kate.

  2. What say you to a peece of Beefe and Mustard?

  3. Why then the Mustard without the beefe Kate.

  4. His agony was intensified by the fact that his wife could not sign her name to the marriage contract, she could only make a cross.

  5. The idea is not sufficiently novel to be funny.

  6. He is only a Fabianite with cash, a Fabianite who has lost the "shining face" of a neophyte and talks daggers and dynamite, though he uses them not.

  7. No, she is but secretly wedded; in the fulness of time her husband will be revealed.

  8. I, but these English are shrowdly out of Beefe Const.

  9. Good master Mustard seede, I know your patience well: that same cowardly gyant-like Oxe beefe hath deuoured many a gentleman of your house.

  10. The fourth day we tooke into our ship a beefe aliue, which for the victualling of the ship, and the refreshing of our men, and to make vs the merrier at Shrouetide.

  11. In a plaine field without any mountaine, there is a spring which hath much water, and it is so hot, that if a whole quarter of beefe be cast into it, within an halfe houre it will be as well sodden as it will be ouer a fire in halfe a day.

  12. Wherefore I do say that coloppes and egges is as holsome for them as a talowe candell is good for a horse mouth, or a peece of powdred Beefe is good for a blere eyed mare.

  13. Beefe is a good meate for an Englysshe man, so be it the beest be yonge, and that it be not kowe-flesshe; for olde beefe and kowe-flesshe doth ingender melancolye and leporouse humoures.

  14. Amad 02 0 0 And Nobesane sent us a beefe for a present.

  15. Taccamon Dono sent me a beefe for a present and ther was a pece basta Deher, of 17 Rs.

  16. Som totall amontes unto 60 0 0 Skidian Dodo sent a beefe for a present; and Jorge Durois mad account for these thinges following:-- ta.

  17. The governor of an iland at Goto, he which sent the pilot abord our shipp Hoziander, came this day to see our English howse, and brought a present of a beefe and 10 hense.

  18. To boyl a rump of Beefe after the French fashion.

  19. To boyle a rump of Beefe after the French fashion.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beefe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.