To comforte hym there came a very merye man whiche, as they talked to gether sayde, he wolde teache hym suche a rule that, if he wold folowe it, he shuld neuer falle from tree more.
And whan a worshipfull man of the cite, that was his frende, herd tell of his mourning, he came to visete andcomforte him; and so in talkynge together he asked, howe longe a go it was that his mother deceased?
Theese were almes to helpe That han suche charges, And to comforte suche cotyers, And crokede men and blynde.
Healthe and all blessings[87] wherewith heaven and earthe May comforte man, wayte on your excellence!
Hope, the last comforte of eche liveinge man, Has undoone me.
Since your Lordship will shorten the length of my follies relation, the woman that I so passionately love, is no worse Lady then your owne Neece, the too worthy Countesse Eugenia.
Let this unsutable foole goe, sir Gyles; we will make shift without him.
He finds it written in the Rowles of time Navar's a Kingdome solely absolute, And by collusion of the Kings of France, The people speaking all one mother toung, It hath bin wrested for a Royalty Untruly due unto the Crowne of France.
The Lord give us that true comforte which none can take from us.
Remember me in all love to our freinds as if I named them, whose praiers I desire earnestly, & wish againe to see, but not till I can with more comforte looke them in ye face.
That is/ the ensamples that are in the scripture comforte vs in all oure tribulacyons/ and make vs to put oure truste in god/ and pacyently to abyde his leysure.
Than came all his sonnes ad all his doughters to comforte him.
This comforte shalt thou evermore finde in the playne texte and literall sense.
This same shall comforte vs: as concernynge oure worke and sorowe of oure handes which we haue aboute the erthe that the LORde hath cursed.
Let a litle water be fett/ & wash youre fete/ and rest youre selves vnder the tree: And I will fett a morsell of breed/ to comforte youre hartes wythall.
And a defence from all erroure/ and a comforte in adversyte that we despayre not.
For what state is more honorable and of greater Comforte than the marryed Lyfe, if in deede they that haue yoaked themselues therein be conformable to those Delightes, and contentation which the same conduceth?
God geve yow grace to be of sadde and good dysposyn here after to Hys plesans, and comforte to me, and to all yowyr frendys, and to yowyr wurchyp and profyte here after.
But being now hear pitchet they fell to such trads & imployments as they best could; valewing peace & their spirituall comforte above any other riches whatsoever.
Remember me in all love to our freinds as if I named them, whose praiers I desire ernestly, & wish againe to see, but not till I can with more comforte looke them in y^e face.
So they returned to their shipp againe with this news to y^e rest of their people, which did much comforte their harts.
Hatherley, to goe over with him, knowing he will be a comforte to M^r.
Yea, though they should loose their lives in this action, yet might they have comforte in the same, and their endeavors would be honourable.
When these lawes were renewed, the Decemuiri went foorth, and openly in the assemblie deposed them selues, to the great ioye and comforte of them all.
One a comfortefor a blinde man, entitled ad Aemilianum caecum consolatio, one other Ecpyrosis, seu incendium sodomorum, the burnyng of Sodome.
I knowe a medycyne in my thoughte To comforte yoᶙ witħ alle.
As we firste gather the honny from the combes, so do we the waxe for the comforte of the light, and other commoditie besides.
What man may compare to showe the lyke comforte That dayly is shewed by me, Mery-reporte?
Wherfore I submyt me, entendynge to se What comfortemay come by humylyte.
My infortune, forsuith, thay wald forthink[157], And comforte me that bene so impotent.
I trust I make no more moane, than is just for a man in my case, but there is small comforte in lookinge at y^e backe of a white Satine bonnett for two Houres, and I maye saye as much.
And moost in especyall gyuynge vs thy blessyd body & blood for destruccion of our synnes encreace of vertue & grace / and synguler comforte to all that ben on lyue and deed.
Now for a conclusyon / ymagyne in thy mynde two cytees / one full of trouble & mysery whiche is helle / an other full of Ioye and comforte whiche is paradyse.
And whan [thou] hast ony spirytuell consolacyon or comforte / thynke [that] they that ben in helle shall euer lacke that.
Rehete is the most common form of the word: “Him would I comforte and rehete.
O musicke, whom the gods assinde To comforte manne, whom cares would nippe!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comforte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.