Now he threw comfitsat the theatre Into her lap,--what harm in Carnival?
What man would dare Throw comfits in a stranger lady's lap?
There the comfits lay: I looked to see who flung them, and I faced This Caponsacchi, looking up in turn.
And you, Launce, my lad, will also one day desire to leave kissing comfits and find abiding love.
As she looked out, she munched one of the well-raised comfits I had bought for my own eating.
Spare not the flagon, I beseech you; and here are comfits and spices to give zest to your wine.
Comfits and spiced hippocras fumed in every dwelling; and the christening of Mary of Burgundy became an epoch of rejoicing in the memory of men.
His attention was attracted by her strange sad beauty: and a friend who sat by him, and was a connection of the husband's, threw comfits at her to make her return his gaze, warning him at the same time to do nothing which could compromise her.
Canon Caponsacchi throws comfits at Pompilia in the theatre; brushes against her in the street; has constantly occasion to pass under her window, or to talk to some one opposite to it.
Sticke long comfitsupright into it, cast bisket and carrowaies in it, and so serve it: you may also print of this march-pane paste in your moldes for banqueting dishes.
The sides thus ornamented, were coated with a hard transparent varnish; the reverse, which probably was the side upon which the fruit or comfits were laid, is smooth and clear, without varnish or colour.
To make Muskedines called Rising Comfits or Vissing Comfits.
He then had lights and wine and comfits brought; and when they had taken a slight refection, he bade all address them to the dance.
The simpleton then had good wine and comfits brought in, and did the honours to the godfather and his companion in such sort as their occasions did most demand.
They are saluted as they pass with showers of white comfits from the spectators on the seats of the scaffolding, or from the balconies and windows on each side of the street.
These comfits break into a white powder and bespatter the clothes of the person on whom they fall as if hair-powder had been thrown on them.
When it is to be served up put plenty of the stiff froth of a syllabub raised high on the cream, and garnish with coloured comfits or rose leaves, which are recommended for elegance.
Eating sweet comfits with Queen Dido's maid, Who ever since hath lull'd me in her arms.
For Dido's sake I take thee in my arms, And stick these spangled feathers in thy hat: Eat comfits in mine arms, and I will sing.
But having observed that I gave away only the comfits which I kept in my tortoise-shell box, and that I never eat any but those from the crystal box, she one day asked me what reason I had for that.
My comfits were beginning to be the talk of our society.
Put on at each time only one Ladle-full, and in ten times repeating it your Comfits will be perfectly well coated.
Let it be very hot, for the hotter it is, the rougher will be your Comfits; and for all that, the Comfits will not take so much Sugar as one may imagine from their Appearance.
If Green; take the Juice of Spinach, and boil it with the Sugar: so will your Comfits be of the several Colours above-mention'd.
I will send her some, and likewise of mine own comfits and cakes," said Mistress Dennet.
Presently I heard a young gentleman say to Duvarney over my shoulder: "Eating comfits and holding yarn--that was his doing at your manor when Doltaire came hunting him.
He had comfits in his hand in a silver box," he said, "jeweller's work of a cunning artificer.
I cannot expect a Sorbonnist to have the sugared comfits of a king's mignon!
Make some rice, nicely boiled, into a good wall round your trifle dish; strew the rice over with pink comfits; then pour good custard into the rice frame, and stripe it across with pink and blue comfits alternately.
Strew comfits on the top, and garnish as you like.
The presence of copper may be detected by pouring over the comfits liquid ammonia, which speedily acquires a blue colour, if this metal be present.
The adulteration of confitures by means of clay, may be detected by simply dissolving the comfits in a large quantity of boiling water.
The comfits called ginger pearls, are frequently adulterated with clay.
Comfits were highly flavored, often scented with strong perfumes like musk and bergamot.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comfits" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.