How does ut come about, sorr, that when a man has put the cometheron wan woman, he's sure bound to put it on another?
Ye cancomether (gammon) a Roscommon man, but a Bilfast man, whillaloo!
You could have every soldier in the German army, the French army, and the Salvation Army looking for me, and I'd put the comether on them all.
Twas the nature av the baste to put the comether on the best av thim - not the prettiest by any manner av manes - but the like av such woman as you cud lay your band on the Book an' swear there was niver thought av foolishness in.
How does ut come about, sorr, that whin a man has put the comether on wan woman he's sure bound to put ut on another?
How does ut come about, Sorr, that when a man has put the comether on wan woman, he's sure bound to put it on another?
There's none like them to put the comether on man and beast!
It's you, my jewel, have put thecomether on him, and I'll trust you to keep it there!
Lady, that lad just naturally put a comether on you.
Put a comether on her before she knew it," explained the private to himself.
She says she doesn't know how she came to do it, except that he put a comether on her.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comether" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.