I have got things ciphered down to a fraction now.
I have got my work ciphered down to days, and I haven't a single day to spare between this and the date which, by written contract I am to deliver the M.
Bismarck even sought to hurry the matter through the Spanish Cortes so as to commit Spain to the plan; but this failed owing to the misinterpretation of a ciphered telegram from Berlin at Madrid[26].
In the ciphered telegrams of September 19 and 20, which the Director of the Asiatic Department at St. Petersburg sent to the Russian Consul-General at Rustchuk, the note of resentment and revenge was clearly sounded.
He had held a ciphered correspondence on the subject with foreign ministers of the Republic.
By and by he said he had cipheredout two or three ways, but there warn't no need to decide on any of them yet.
Everybody who has ciphered upon a school-slate must remember the whitish-green spots which sometimes dotted the surface of the slate; he will remember how his slate-pencil usually slid over such spots as if they were greasy.
Everybody, moreover, who hasciphered upon a school-slate must remember the whitish-green spots which sometimes dotted the surface of the slate, and over which the pencil usually slid as if the spots were greasy.
They cipheredit so that they brought out nothin' for a remainder.
Well, I ciphered over this all night, a-calculatin' how I should reciprocate that trick with him, and at last I hit on a scheme.
They are thy tribute from the land Of Khayyam and our Khalifate, For on their crimson folds of fate A wizard ciphered with his wand Words which I dare not here translate, But you will read and understand.
Of the ciphered letter, and of the monograms, Elizabeth had never heard, though, if she had asked for further proof, they would have been brought forward.
We ciphered upon it and decided that it was not less than several hundred feet from the base of the wall of solid ice to the top of it--Harris believed it was really twice that.
They ciphered out a glacier's gait, and then said confidently that it would travel just so far in so many years.
I have much to thank you for; first and most for the ciphered paragraph respecting myself.
Mr. Jay will, of course, communicate to you some cipheredletters lately written, and one of this date.
After the critics 'have ciphered and cipheredout long,' they will probably have nothing better to say.
It will have to be ciphered and ciphered out long--and is probably in some respects the most curious part of its author's baffling works.
The exact features of the saving future facts that our belief in God insures, will have to be ciphered out by the interminable methods of science: we can STUDY our God only by studying his Creation.
The highest productions of human genius might be ciphered by one who had complete acquaintance with the facts, out of their physiological conditions, regardless whether nature be there only for our minds, as idealists contend, or not.
Then he ciphered a little and looked in a book, and then he begun to carry on again.
I've ciphered over it a good deal, and it's my opinion that some of it is knowledge but the main bulk of it is instink.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ciphered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.